Replenish Me – 05.24.18

Prasanna is an Inspirational Speaker, Published Author and Creatrix of Elemental Woman™. She is available for speaking engagements in front of smaller and larger audiences.  To invite Prasanna to speak at your events, When it comes to creating a business from overflow that is 100% aligned to your Heart’s Calling, Prasanna is the expert in the field. Attend her Wise Woman Leader 3 Day Weekend either in the …

Episode 7: “Let’s Talk Crypto!” – Katrina Donaghy

On today’s show Joya interviews Katrina Donaghy from Australia about her company’s involvement with the blockchain and how it relates to digital asset based government contracts such as patents, fishing licenses, water rights, etc. Download this episode (right click and save)

Alternative Visions – Behind Bitcoin Mania & Trump Tax Cut Ideology – 12.04.17

Dr. Rasmus discusses the 9 major ‘drivers’ behind the growing bubble in Bitcoin and other crypto currencies, as well as potential channels of contagion to other financial markets once the bubble bursts. The connection between Blockchain tech and bitcoin and cryptos are explained, as well as the emerging shift from ‘retail’ speculator to professional investing in Bitcoin, options trading, legitimization …