Eva Selhub MD – Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food

Think about it. Your brain is always “on.” It takes care of your thoughts and movements, your breathing and heartbeat, your senses — it works hard 24/7, even while you’re asleep. This means your brain requires a constant supply of fuel. That “fuel” comes from the foods you eat — and what’s in that fuel makes all the difference. Put …

Toni Nagy – Female Viagra? Great! But It Might Not Be What Women Really Need

Get ready ladies: as of October 17, female Viagra will invade your pharmacy’s shelves. The FDA has approved a new drug, Addyi, which is manufactured by none other than Sprout pharmaceuticals. Isn’t that the cutest company name ever? Heart hands! The invention of this drug is being treated as a feminist victory. The rhetoric is that men have many drug options …