Dr. Rasmus discusses the 9 major ‘drivers’ behind the growing bubble in Bitcoin and other crypto currencies, as well as potential channels of contagion to other financial markets once the bubble bursts. The connection between Blockchain tech and bitcoin and cryptos are explained, as well as the emerging shift from ‘retail’ speculator to professional investing in Bitcoin, options trading, legitimization …
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – The Coming Revolution in Banking and How Banking Really Works Now – 09.13.17
 Crypto currencies will likely change the future of banking in transformative ways, and there’s even a chance that it could help democratize citizen’s control of their money. Ellen is just completing a book on the subject and discusses how technology is changing the banking landscape. Meanwhile, we welcome noted economist Michael Hudson to the show to disclose in no …
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – Alternating Currency – 06.14.17
Global monetary expert Bernard Lietaer has said that a country would be more stable financially if it had multiple currencies focused on specific sectors of the economy – the idea being that if one goes down, the others can continue to provide needed financial services. Ellen’s guest is Lionel Denenberg, the tech genius behind PayServices, a crypto-currency concept already authorized …
Lauren McCauley – No Conflict Here: 150 Wall Street Firms Own Over $1.5 Billion of Trump’s Debt
As many suspected, President-elect Donald Trump’s web of business conflicts is much more complicated than he has let on. An analysis by the Wall Street Journal published Thursday found that the incoming president owes at least $1.85 billion in debt to as many as 150 Wall Street firms and other financial institutions. According to the examination of legal and property …
RALPH NADER – Hillary Clinton should tell the people what she said in her private speeches
Last month as Hillary Clinton was leaving a town meeting in Manchester, Lee Fang of the Intercept asked her if she would release the transcripts of her paid, and very private speeches to Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street powerhouse historically deep in Washington, D.C., influence-peddling. Mrs. Clinton just laughed. It is probably a good bet that her laugh was masking …
Andy Rowell – Half of U.S. Fracking Industry Could Go Bankrupt as Oil Prices Continue to Fall
So the slide continues with no end in sight. As expected this morning, the oil price has fallen below $28 a barrel on the back of the historic news over the weekend of sanctions being lifted on Iran. This is the lowest level for oil since 2003. The markets are spooked that the lifting of sanctions means the imminent …
Alternative Visions – Global Currency Wars & Devaluations Poised to Accelerate in 2016 – 12.04.15
Jack Rasmus looks at yesterday’s decision by the European Central Bank to make token changes to its QE policies, Japan’s central bank rumors of more QE, and the US Federal Reserve’s imminent raising of interest rates later this month. Why the ECB did not go ‘all in’ to expand its QE? Reasons: waiting on US Fed to move first, weaken German opposition to a later big QE boost, and ‘holding its powder’ for possible worse deflation and EU economy in 2016. Japan waiting on both US and Europe. Meanwhile, US Fed caves in to political moves by Congress attacking it. Conclusion: more QE in 2016, more currency devaluation, more pain in emerging markets and slowing of US exports and manufacturing, and China need to devaluate further next year. Recent economic news of importance is reviewed: oil price glut to continue despite Vienna OPEC meeting; China’s Yuan approved by IMF as global currency, and Brazil’s economy now tipping over into depression. Jack concludes with latest review of US economic performance: manufacturing and exports contracting, business inventories excess and spending, US residential housing growth now spent and flattening, poor Xmas retail sales emerging, auto sales based on debt reaching peak, savings from gasoline price declines diverting to rents, education and health care price increases, and now service sector growth slowing rapidly. Next Week show theme: ‘Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy, Part 1’, as Jack reviews conclusions of his just published book.
The Collapse Of The Petrodollar: Oil Exporters Are Dumping US Assets At A Record Pace – Tyler Durden
Back in November we chronicled the (quiet) death of the Petrodollar, the system that has buttressed USD hegemony for decades by ensuring that oil producers recycled their dollar proceeds into still more USD assets creating a very convenient (if your printing press mints dollars) self-fulfilling prophecy that has effectively underwritten the dollar’s reserve status in the post WWII era. Here’s what we …