Feds Spent $3.3 Billion Fueling Charter Schools but No One Knows What It’s Really Bought – Jonas Persson

The federal government has spent more than $3.3 billion over the past two decades creating and fueling the charter school industry, according to a new financial analysis and reporters’ guide by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). (The new guide can be downloaded below.) Despite the huge sums spent so far, the federal government maintains no comprehensive list of the charter schools …

How much student testing is too much? – RENEE SCHOOF

If it’s springtime, it must be standardized testing time in schools across the country. It’s also when the debate over whether students are inundated with too many tests becomes hot. Experts say testing is up. Parents who want their children to skip the tests say their ranks are growing. Lawmakers say they’re hearing a loud message about too much unnecessary …

Why the conventional wisdom on schooling is all wrong

Kids go to school to learn stuff. Right? Not exactly, according to veteran education Marion Brady, who has long argued that public education needs a paradigm shift — though not the same one pushed by school reformers who champion the Common Core State Standards, school choice and vouchers. Brady says schools need a complete transformation in what and how students …