Progressive Radio Network

Body mass index

A French diplomat competing to be the world's top health official says a tiny international tax can help fill the World Health Organization's coffers, a…
“Dr. Hyman, I grew up following the guidelines of the Food Pyramid,” writes this week’s house call. “Now the guidelines keep changing. What about these…
“Everyday” mindfulness is an awareness of your thoughts and feelings. And people who have it tend to have healthy glucose levels, new research shows. They…
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A new report by the University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) has shown an increase in cancer risk from fumigant pesticides…
Berberine is a yellow compound found in several different plants including barberry, goldenseal, phellodendron and Oregon grape. Berberine has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing properties, but in…
Experts say prior studies that examined the link between obesity and death are flawed because they rely on one-time measures of body mass index (BMI)…
A new study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine finds child care centers play a pivotal role when it comes to the physical activity levels… says, “Happiness is fleeting. It’s that line on the heart monitor that ascends to the highest peak but falls just as easily, if not…
Nationally, obesity rate rises to 27.7% in 2014 Obesity rates highest in Southern and Midwestern states Higher obesity rates linked to lower well-being WASHINGTON, D.C.…
Having a strong sense that your life has meaning and direction may make you less likely to develop areas of brain damage caused by blockages…