A woman in a black and white dress stood with a huge pot on her head. She had walked for days, with her two young children also carrying goods, to reach the camp for internally displaced persons in Bentiu, South Sudan. They were all exhausted by the time they registered with the International Organisation for Migration at the facility that …
The Globalists Are Racing to World War III Before the American Sheeple Wake Up By Joachim Hagopian
If you think the globalists are pushing pedal to the metal now, you’re absolutely right! Rapid acceleration toward their one world government has humanity on a fateful collision course to Armageddon. Just look at the unfolding events in 2015 so far with barely half the year over. The Charlie Hebdo attack in January came right after France moved to recognize a …
How Western Press Spreads ISIS Propaganda: The Case For a Media Blackout – Adam Johnson
This past weekend, several media outlets ran a story about how ISIS is seeking a nuclear weapon: ISIS Claims It Could Buy Its First Nuclear Weapon From Pakistan Within a Year [3] —International Business Times ISIS to Smuggle Its First Nuclear Weapon From Pakistan, Mulls Attack on US: Report [4] —Economic Times ISIS Boasts It ‘Could Buy First Nuclear Weapon in Less Than …
Stop Feeding the Troll: The Case for an ISIS Propaganda Blackout – Adam Johnson
The London Express (5/22/15) unsubtly juxtaposed ISIS militants with an atomic explosion. This past weekend, several media outlets ran a story about how ISIS is seeking a nuclear weapon: ISIS Claims It Could Buy Its First Nuclear Weapon From Pakistan Within a Year —International Business Times ISIS to Smuggle Its First Nuclear Weapon From Pakistan, Mulls Attack on US: Report —Economic Times ISIS …
Isis claims it could buy its first nuclear weapon from Pakistan within a year – HEATHER SAUL
Isis has used the latest issue of its propaganda magazine Dabiq to suggest the group is expanding so rapidly it could buy its first nuclear weapon within a year. The hyperbolic article, which the group attributes to the British hostage John Cantlie, claims Isis has transcended its roots as “the most explosive Islamic ‘group’ in the modern world” to evolve into “the …
The Final Edition – 05.28.15
Is Union Carbide good anymore? And how effective is Boko Haram’s Rape Kit for Rapists? Find out that, and less, in this week’s Final Edition Radio Hour.
Truth Is Washington’s Enemy – Paul Craig Roberts
US Representative Ed Royce (R, CA) is busy at work destroying the possibility of truth being spoken in the US. On April 15 at a hearing before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs of which Royce is chairman, Royce made use of two minor presstitutes to help him redefine all who take exception to Washington’s lies as “threats” who belong …
2044 or Bust
For three days, wearing a kaleidoscope of camouflage patterns, they huddled together on a military base in Florida. They came from U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and U.S. Army Special Operations Command, from France and Norway, from Denmark, Germany, and Canada: 13 nations in all. They came to plan a years-long “Special Operations-centric” military campaign supported by conventional forces, a …
The Destruction of Libya, the Destabilization of a Nation. US-NATO Crimes against Humanity
The late Col. Muammar Gaddafi, hailed as the “Great Leader” by the Libyan people during his incumbency, was murdered by Chad, Somali and Sudanese mercenaries in collusion with NATO and US invading forces on October 19, 2011. Gaddafi’s Libya, two years before he was ousted and assassinated was considered as one of Africa’s most affluent countries. Prof. Garikai Chengu a …
Study: China Has Grown to World’s 3rd-Biggest Arms Exporter
China has overtaken Germany to become the world’s third-biggest arms exporter, although its 5 percent share remains small compared to the combined 58 percent of exports from the U.S. and Russia, a new study says. China’s share of the global arms market rose 143 percent from 2010 to 2014, a period during which the total volume of global arms transfers …