Black Agenda Radio – 03.13.17

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: The New York City Police Department was forced to lighten up on stop and frisk. So, now the cops are staging huge raids on public housing, and charging hundreds of young people with criminal conspiracy; And, Mumia Abu Jamal remembers the people’s lawyer, Lynne Stewart.

Stephen Lendman – Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II Boondoggle. A $2 Trillion Pentagon Waste

At an estimated lifetime development, production, operational and maintenance cost of $2 trillion or more (adjusted for inflation), the F-35 perhaps most of all symbolizes notorious Pentagon waste, fraud and abuse – ripping off taxpayers, using the nation’s resources irresponsibly, at the expense of vital homeland needs. Pentagon hype calls the F-35 “a 5th Generation fighter, combining advanced stealth with …

BEN CASSELMAN and ANDREW FLOWERS – Rich Kids Stay Rich, Poor Kids Stay Poor

On Friday, a team of researchers led by Stanford economist Raj Chetty released a paper on how growing up in poverty affects boys and girls differently. Their core finding: Boys who grow up in poor families fare substantially worse in adulthood, in terms of employment and earnings, than girls who grow up in the same circumstances. (The Washington Post has a good write-up of …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 01.21.16

THE NIGHTMARE OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE has come home to roost at the SAN ONOFRE nuke reactors south of Los Angeles. The tremendous grassroots victory of the No Nukes movement in shutting this horrible plant is now followed by the harsh realities of dealing with the immense quantities of lethal radioactive fuel rods and other ridiculous residue sitting by the ocean.

So we hear from DONNA GILMORE and ACE HOFFMAN on the technical, economic and political realities of managing this material. We hear, as expected, about how Southern California Edison is doing all it can to cheap out on dealing with this stuff and what it might take to get it managed properly. See

We are then joined by MARC ASH of READER SUPPORTED NEWS for our first conversation about progressive websites on the internet. Coming out of the Al Gore campaign in 2000, Marc helped pioneer the world of disseminating important news and information. He warns, among other things, that net neutrality is not a done deal and is now under fire in federal court in Washington DC. See Harvey’s latest RSN piece at:

Stay tuned for future shows on both these incredibly important topics.

It’s All About Food – Aubry Walch, Ryan Strandjord, Deanna Dylan Scott – 01.19.16

Part I: Aubry Walch and Ryan Strandjord, The Herbivorous Butcher

Sister and brother duo Aubry and Kale Walch have spent the last several years perfecting The Herbivorous Butcher’s deliciously deceiving meat-free meats. Aubry has been a vegan for 18 years and has spent over a decade creating meat-free alternatives to many the foods that she grew up with on Guam, a place where cooking was a deep-rooted part of everyday life and each meal consisted of at least two different kinds of meat or seafood, not to mention a wide variety of flavors, spices, and textures, blending Guamanian cuisine with culinary cultures from across the world.

After years of watching Aubry thrive as a strict vegan, Kale Walch followed suit and became vegan. Over the past four years, he has developed a keen sense for the many ingredients and methods that go into making the most flavorful, nutritious and satisfying meat alternatives. Having made the change from omnivore to vegan more recently, he is able to invoke the flavors of his previous “meat palate” to create realistic and tastefully accurate meat-alternatives.

Aubry Walch is President of The Herbivorous Butcher, and Ryan Strandjord is Vice President/Chief Marketing Officer.

Part II: Deanna Dylan Scott, One Vegan Mama

Deanna Dylan Scott is an actress and writer living in Los Angeles. She is the author of the book One Vegan Mamawhich she will be discussing. She also writes a monthly column for The New Vegan Times. She served on the Tarzana Neighborhood Council board for 2 years and created The Animal Welfare committee. She takes special interest in the welfare of children and animals. She has a 4-year-old daughter named Ever who is her vegan animal rescuer sidekick.

Are We Medicating the True Selves of Boys? – Marilyn Wedge Ph.D.

“I have a great class this year,” said my friend, a long time third grade teacher in a suburban elementary school. “I have 19 girls and only eight boys!” I wasn’t surprised to hear her candid statement. Girls are quieter, less fidgety, and certainly less mischievious than boys. They have fewer behavior issues in the classroom and are therefore easier to …

Can Self-Compassion Improve Well-Being in Teens?

Teenagers today face many challenges, often including intense expectations and pressures from their parents, teachers, and friends. Sometimes, however, their harshest critics are not any of these other people, but themselves. Could self-compassion help? In the first study, published this year in The Journal of Positive Psychology, Karen Bluth and Priscilla Blanton surveyed students in middle and high school about their levels of positive …