Wes Annac – Declassified Documents Disclose CIA Mind Control Programs

Most people would probably laugh at the idea of government mind control programs, but as the declassified CIA documents we’ll examine here make clear, it was (and probably still is) a real thing in which the U.S government took an active interest. I should warn that the information below is unsettling to say the least. It sheds light on a …

Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.12.16

Prof. Omid Safi has rapidly become one of the most important, postmodern Islamic thinkers in America today. From an Iranian heritage, he is Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University where he is the Director of Duke’s Islamic Studies Center. He specializes in Islamic social and intellectual history, Islamic mysticism or Sufism, and the tradition of prophetic social activism. Prof. Safee received his doctorate from Duke University, he is the co-chair for the Study of Islam and Islamic Mysticism Group at the American Academy of Religion, a has served on the board of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University, and an original co-founder of the Progressive Muslim Union. Omeed has written for Tikkun magazine, the Huffington Post, and BeliefNet and writes a weekly column for On Being.org. He is the author of several books including “Memories of Mohammad: Why the Prophet Matters” and “Progressive Muslisms: On Justice, Gender and Pluralism.” His website is OmidSafi.com

Sayer J – Research Reveals Plants Can Think, Choose & Remember

Modern science is only beginning to catch up to the wisdom of the ancients: plants possess sentience and a rudimentary form of intelligence.  Plants are far more intelligent and capable than we given them credit. In fact, provocative research from 2010 published in Plant Signaling & Behavior proposes that since they cannot escape environmental stresses in the manner of animals, they have …

Chris Hedges – Local Resistance Can Overthrow Our Political Masters

SANTA ANA, Calif.—All resistance will be local. We will have to dismantle the corporate state, piece by piece, from the ground up. No leader or politician is going to do it for us. Every community that bans fracking, every university and institution that embraces the boycott, divest and sanctions (BDS) movement, every individual who becomes vegan to thwart the animal …

Einstein Letter Warning Of Zionist Facism In Israel

Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, …