#3 –When Gringos throw in the Expat towel. Sad to say, a certain percentage of people who make the move to “Vote With Their Feet” are ultimately unsuccessful with their “Plan B”. Some eventually pack up and head back to Seattle or Cleveland. Why does that occasionally happen?
Economic Update – Economy, Psychology, Mental Health – 11.06.16
“Updates on Harvard’s greed, corp megamergers, Germany outlaws GMOs, campaign fund-raising, Koch brothers fund Catholics fighting Pope’s views, Portland, OR to tax high CEO pay, prison strikes, and foreign min wages. Interview Dr. Harriet Fraad, mental health counsellor: mental health implications of capitalist vs worker-coop enterprises.”
Sarah Leonard, Bhaskar Sunkara – Why Our Generation’s Best Chance Is Socialism
Every election season is a time of bemoaning why millennials won’t vote for politicians boldly committed to picking at the edges of their problems. Consider a snapshot of the situation young people face: the unemployment rate for workers under age 25 is 18.1 percent; unemployment for black people who have not graduated from high school is 82.5 percent; the people …
Lawsuit: Nursing Student Claims College Instructed Them to Threaten Patients into Receiving Vaccines – Adan Salazar
At least two instructors at a medical college in Michigan taught lessons instructing students to intimidate patients into receiving vaccinations, a lawsuit claims. Filed in the Genesee Circuit Court on April 6, the suit alleges a teacher at Baker College in Flint taught her students to exhaust various methods of coercion in order to pressure patients into getting innoculated. “She …
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