Expat Files – 01.15.17

#1- Residency and Passport rules and procedures in the Dominican Republic: Yes, the regs and time-frames been changed again in the DR and supposedly “streamlined” for the umpteenth time- though few govt sites have been updated to reflect the changes. Even officials don’t really seems to know the real dope on what’s going on. We’ll see…

JACK SMITH – Must They be Enemies? Russia, Putin and the US

Most Americans know very little about Russia, and what they do know is subverted by many decades of U.S. government anti-Soviet and anti-Russian propaganda. From 1917 to Dec. 26, 1991, when the USSR imploded, Washington depicted the Soviet Union as an immoral aggressor state seeking to destroy capitalism and freedom in the United States and rule the world. Again, from …

Gary Leupp – NATO: Seeking Russia’s Destruction Since 1949

In 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, U.S. president George H. W. Bush through his secretary of state James Baker promised Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev that in exchange for Soviet cooperation on German reunification, the Cold War era NATO alliance would not expand “one inch” eastwards towards Russia. Baker told Gorbachev: “Look, if you remove your [300,000] troops …

Nathan Collins – Three in Five Americans Have Experienced Poverty-Level Incomes

Income inequality is growing in the United States. The poor are getting poorer, and the rich, richer. But that’s only part of the story: A new study shows that three out of every five Americans will spend at least one of their prime working years in poverty. “There’s a great deal of fluidity in the income distribution,” says study co-author Thomas Hirschl, a professor of development sociology …