Valerie Burke – Ozone Therapy Is Powerful Medicine

This little-known therapy is being used by 40,000 physicians and dentists in more than 50 countries for everything from herniated disks to endodontic infections to Lyme disease, with no virtually adverse effects. Until the turn of the century, ozone therapy has remained somewhat of a “best kept medical secret” in North America. This is a shame because it can be a safe, …

Lyme Patients Challenge CDC, Reports the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

(GlobeNewswire) – While Zika is grabbing headlines as an emerging disease, another arthropod-borne condition, Lyme disease, remains in the shadows although it affects far more Americans, with about 300,000 new cases per year, states the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). The CDC states it is the most common vector-borne disease in the U.S. It is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burdorferi, a type of bacteria that …

Scientists Discovered a New Bacteria that Causes Lyme Disease

Scientists now know that there are at least 2 different types of bacteria that cause Lyme disease after lab tests on 6 people produced unexpected results. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Mayo Clinic, and health officials from Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota said in a report that it was previously believed that only Borrelia burgdorferi, which …

Sayer Ji – Stevia Kills Lyme Disease Pathogen Better Than Antibiotics (Preclinical Study)

Lyme disease is exceedingly difficult to treat, due to its well-known shape-shifting (pleomorphic) abilities, with conventional antibiotics often failing to produce a long-term cure. Could the commonly used natural plant Stevia provide a safer, and more effective means to combat this increasingly prevalent infection? A promising new preclinical study has revealed that whole stevia leaf extract possesses exceptional antibiotic activity …

A New Culprit in Lyme Disease

Mosquitoes may be receiving all the attention amid the Zika virus epidemic, but they are hardly the only disease vectors to worry about. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., have discovered a new species of tick-borne bacteria that causes Lyme disease. The new species, provisionally named Borrelia mayonii, after the clinic, has been found only in the upper Midwest but may be present elsewhere. …

Fearless Parent Radio – Lyme, Autism, and Vibrational Healing – 10.14.15

Tami Duncan began her soul’s mission of vibrational healing through the process of recovering her son from autism. Although diagnosed with ASD at age seven, a later a diagnosis of Lyme disease was what provided Tami the clues that ultimately led to his remarkable progress.

But the healing didn’t stop there. Tami’s desire to dig deeper into the full realms of healing led her to the vibrational healing arts, including Reiki.

We know that the human body is an amazing information gatherer. The nervous system zings when confronted with a menacing stranger; and our olfactory nerves delight in the aroma of freshly baked cookies.

But what about the other body — the one that resides outside of the physical? Often referred to as the astral body, the spiritual body, or the soul — how can accessing this realm of our existence enhance our lives? These days, it’s no longer considered fringe to visit a medium, medical intuitive, or a host of other practitioners who journey to these higher planes. Our deepest desire is to understand just a little bit more. to find resolution from a painful experience, to heal.

Kate Raines – Under Our Skin: A Film About the Hidden Story of Lyme Disease

Lyme disease can affect any number of organ systems and is increasingly prevalent across the U.S. Chronic Lyme disease may be misdiagnosed as many other conditions. Lyme disease specialists and their patients are at odds with health authorities, who resist the idea that the disease even exists. Andy Abrahms Wilson’s documentary Under Our Skin tells the often hidden story of Lyme disease, …

Is Lyme the Next Infectious Disease Disaster? By Elayne Clift

In 1995, a young woman discovered a rash that looked strangely like a bull’s eye on her stomach but she ignored it. A few years later she began having pain in her knees, irregular heart beats, then neck pain. When her feet hurt, fatigue set in, and she experienced “brain fog,” she requested a Lyme disease test. The results were …

5 diseases your pets can give you!

Our furry bundles of joy give us love and attention, and something else – skin diseases and other infections. Read on to know how to safeguard your pet and your family against five maladies. We love them, cuddle with them and treat them like family. And these cuddly, furry creatures reciprocate in kind by showering us with unconditional love and …