Economic Update – Socialism: Past, Present, Future – 05.06.18

Updates on critique of Uber and gig economy; WI Sen Johnson endorses inequality; Norway to pay male and female athletes same; corporations buy back their own shares; deaths of overworked Japanese; 10% NY school kids homeless; and majority of major US corporations already pay much below official 35% tax rate. Major discussion of changing economics of socialism.   Download this …

Meria Heller – Meria with Matt Landman -Frankenskies – 02.11.18

Meria interviews Matt Landman, producer of the excellent film “Frankenskies“. Geo-Engineering since 1923;cognitive dissonance;historical timeline through the years;Agent Orange and Project Popeye in Vietnam;weaponizing the weather; words used instead of chemtrails;Operation Mockingbird;CARE program; combustible trees, alkaline soil;killing off everything;AI,transhuman agenda;5G network dangers; predictive programming; social engineering; dystopian future; kids and frequency devices; new clouds?aluminum/fluoride -Alzheimers;Tucson Conference May 12;Experimenting in Tucson;we do not …

iEat Green – Maryn Mckenna, Journalist, Award-winning Author – 01.25.18

Maryn McKenna is an independent journalist and author who specializes in public health, global health and food policy. She is a Senior Fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University and the  author of the new book Big Chicken: The Incredible Story of How Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture and Changed the Way the World Eats (2017), named a Best Science …

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Add Nature to Your Wellness Toolbox – 01.09.18

Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN,, interviews Susan Allison-Dean, MS, RN, AHN-BC, CCAP. Susan is a board certified Advanced Holistic Nurse, Certified Clinical Aromatherapy Professional and Founder of The Nature Nurse.  She has been a nurse for nearly thirty years–practicing as Clinical Nurse Specialist at Yale-New Haven Hospital and Yale University for most of her early career, before she transitioned to Holistic …

Dr Ludwig Watzal – Hillary Clinton Must Be Indicted

The Democratic candidate for the US Presidency, Hillary Clinton, is scandal-ridden. The life of the Clintons is a mere scandal starting way back with “Whitewater”.[1] To call her “crooked Hillary” seems an understatement, viewing only her four years as Secretary of State. Her judgment and her trustworthiness are nil. Never before has there been in the recent history of the United …

The Mark Riley Show – 07.29.15

Mark discusses these topics on the show today: Woman found dead in holding cell in Westchester County. This could be something simply tragic, but after Sandra Bland, people have a right to be suspicious. And speaking of Sandra Bland…. Texas authorities release more jailhouse video relating to Sandra Bland case. They spinning as hard as they can, but the fact …

The Bernie Bubble: How Long Will It Last? By Steven Rosenfeld

How long will the Bernie bubble last? Right now, Bernie Sanders is drawing [3] bigger crowds than any other presidential candidate. His economic populism [4] is bringing in millions in contributions that will carry him into next year’s opening caucuses and primaries. In short, Bernie has been campaigning in a way that has served him well for years—as a blunt retail politician whose calls [5] for economic fairness and …

Time to Transcend All Lesser Evils For the Greater Good By Robert S. Becker

Today’s riddle: how can Dubya’s final days produce more blessings than Obama’s finale? Answer: Dubya spawned reform while Obama aborted it. Dubya’s reign so jolted the world a multitude rose up and, swayed by campaign sizzle, elected a smiley face minority pledging systemic reform. Thus, the hardwon silver lining payoff for Dubya’s fiasco politics. When Obama, the liberal hustler who …