Michael Brenner – Obama’s America: Id, Ego and Super-Ego

Barack Obama’s conduct as President baffles us – just as his personality eludes us. Design and purpose seem to be equally lacking even as the man exudes a strong sense of elitist superiority and his words convey high-minded aspirations. The puzzle lends itself more to psychological analysis than to political analysis. Here is one formulation that may shed light on …

The Dysfunctionality of Slavery and Neoliberalism – Michael Perelman

We are all patriotic.  Let’s start with the Star Spangled Banner. You all are familiar with some of it, but perhaps some of you may not know this particular stanza: Don’t worry, I won’t sing it: “No refuge could save the hireling and slave from the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave.”  Keep in mind that the …