The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 09.21.16

Wayne Douglas went through benzo hell and lived to tell the tale, leaving psychiatric drugs behind. His story teaches us how bad benzodiazepines are for the human body and soul, and also how hard work and determination, and healthy living, can help us triumph over the nasty mental and neurological effects of these drugs during both toxic exposure and withdrawal. He shares his experiences trying to get redress in the Japanese court system and, as a bonus, he also dramatically describes how he also survived the Fukushima earthquake and the subsequent nuclear meltdown. Very interesting stories from a courageous man!

Virginia Eubanks – My Drowning City Is a Harbinger of Climate Slums to Come

When we returned to our home in Troy, New York, after being evacuated during Tropical Storm Irene, everything on the first and second floors looked pristine, untouched. But just below us sat four feet of water. Everything we hadn’t moved out of the basement was submerged: tools, Christmas ornaments, water heater, furnace, washer, and dryer. A hard-shell guitar case floated …

Toxic exposures caused illness in gulf war veterans, new report says

Twenty-five years after 700,000 U.S. troops fought and won the first Gulf War with remarkably low casualties, research “clearly and consistently” shows that exposure to pesticides and other toxins caused Gulf War Illness, a complex and debilitating disorder that affects as many as 250,000 of those deployed, according to a new report led by a Boston University School of Public …