Economic Update – Economic Change, Economic Disorder – 02.14.16

Updates on China achieves economic superpower status, profit produces drug scarcities, Ireland’s unjust austerity, millionaire tax in Massachusetts. Major discussions of self-destructive cut-backs in public higher education and the chaos of the monetary system (banks, Fed Reserve, etc.).

John Michael Greer – Whatever Happened to Peak Oil?

A few months from now, this blog will complete its tenth year of more-or-less-weekly publication. In words the Grateful Dead made famous, it’s been a long strange trip:  much longer and stranger than I had any reason to expect, certainly, when I typed up that first essay and got it posted on what was still, to me, the alien landscape of …

Best Ways to Raise Kind Children, According to Harvard Research

Many of us were hoping that our high-tech lives would make parenting easier – apps for tablets and smart phones are able to give children knowledge on any subject, entertain them with a movie or a game, and keep them occupied while we go through our hectic days. But the downfalls of this technology are huge; there is a bigger …

Less than 30% of Congress Admits to Vaccinating Their OWN KIDS!!! a story released yesterday, NBC “News” reports on the results of their poll to United States Congressmen and Congresswomen. NBC asked our nation’s leaders, “Are your kids vaccinated?” Here are the results of the poll: Out of 434 members of the House of Representatives, 121 responded affirmatively, indicating “Yes. My children are vaccinated.” That’s less than 30% – 27.65% to be …

Higher dietary fiber intake in young women may reduce breast cancer risk

Boston, MA – Women who eat more high-fiber foods during adolescence and young adulthood–especially lots of fruits and vegetables–may have significantly lower breast cancer risk than those who eat less dietary fiber when young, according to a new large-scale study led by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study will be published online February 1, 2016 …

Religious decline does not equal moral decline, says researcher

Morality is not rooted in religion and religion matters less for moral values now than it did thirty years ago, says a University of Manchester researcher. Dr Ingrid Storm’s findings, based on her analysis of European survey data, found that religious decline does not equal moral decline. According to Dr Storm, whose research is published in Politics and Religion, involvement …

Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.12.16

Prof. Omid Safi has rapidly become one of the most important, postmodern Islamic thinkers in America today. From an Iranian heritage, he is Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Duke University where he is the Director of Duke’s Islamic Studies Center. He specializes in Islamic social and intellectual history, Islamic mysticism or Sufism, and the tradition of prophetic social activism. Prof. Safee received his doctorate from Duke University, he is the co-chair for the Study of Islam and Islamic Mysticism Group at the American Academy of Religion, a has served on the board of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University, and an original co-founder of the Progressive Muslim Union. Omeed has written for Tikkun magazine, the Huffington Post, and BeliefNet and writes a weekly column for On He is the author of several books including “Memories of Mohammad: Why the Prophet Matters” and “Progressive Muslisms: On Justice, Gender and Pluralism.” His website is

Heart of Mind Radio – 01.07.16

In the first segment Kathryn Davis will offer an invitation to her series of events which start Wednesday, January 20th and continue the third Wednesday of the month till June.

In segment two: Kathryn speaks to David Young about his music for transformation and opportunity for rare Free live streaming of his concerts during January. (Link to registration below)

David Young is a twice Grammy Nominated Musician who plays two Renaissance flutes at one time in harmony. His music has been called “The Most Heavenly Music on Earth,” and is used in over 10,000 wellness centers with all kinds of healers and practitioners. He has recorded 57 albums and sold over 1,000,000 copies. He is a also a healer, channel, author, and artist. It is said that more people have had out of body experiences while listening to his music than other musician alive today.