Progressive Radio Network


During my lifetime I have witnessed the fall of Freudian psychiatry and the ascension of molecular psychiatry. Unfortunately, we have gone from the frying pan into the…
Having a strong sense that your life has meaning and direction may make you less likely to develop areas of brain damage caused by blockages…
Falling sperm counts and rising infertility are phenomena that have been observed for decades in the developed world. Today, researchers estimate that up to twenty…
Every cell in the human body is under the command of DNA—the blueprint that determines whether you’ll be a righty or a lefty, short or…
I have dedicated my life to the exploration of the profound potential for transformation that all human beings possess. In this pursuit I have had…
A talk with psychedelic researcher Doctor Robin Carhart-Harris about dreams, the psychedelic brain, and the challenges of funding research on LSD.
When I was a lowly  graduate student—doing my PhD  thesis on the brains of boas and pythons—I had the great fortune of  having  dinner with…
Virtually everyone suffers from this extremely common form of addiction, but almost no one knows it. We're talking about FEAR. When people worry, agonize, or…
For the past half century, cholesterol has been touted as a grave health hazard, and dietary fat and cholesterol have been portrayed as being among…