Meria Heller Show – 06.05.16

Tragedy and Hope returns with Meria Heller and Richard Grove. They speak about Little Lucas, Another reason to do what we do, Freedom/Tyranny/Collectivism, Political correctness, First amendment (tee shirts here), Elections – voting for slavery, True History, Project Constellation, Secrets being revealed, ”Lords of War”-Anglo-American establishment, BRICS nations, Zika and Olympics-experiment? Listening to the noise instead of the signal, Brave New World, Dystopia or Utopia, Rothschilds, World War 3 and economy, Smedley Butler, All wars are bankers wars, CFR, 9/11/01, Saudi’s on 9/11 and much more.

Robert Epstein – The new mind control

Over the past century, more than a few great writers have expressed concern about humanity’s future. In The Iron Heel(1908), the American writer Jack London pictured a world in which a handful of wealthy corporate titans – the ‘oligarchs’ – kept the masses at bay with a brutal combination of rewards and punishments. Much of humanity lived in virtual slavery, while …

John Whitehead – The State of the Nation: A Dictatorship Without Tears

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from …

Nature Bats Last – 11.03.15

Mike and Guy speak with guest Jeriah Bowser. Jeriah has spent the past decade in his career as a wilderness therapy guide and outdoor educator, as facilitating rewilding experiences for other humans has proven to be deeply meaningful and healing for his own journey. While he shies away from labels, Jeriah is strongly influenced by anti-civilization anarchism, primitivism, deep ecology, neoluddism, animal and earth liberation, anti-modernism, ecopsychology, Jungian depth psychology, radical therapy/antipsychiatry, logotherapy, animism, taoism, and wildism.

Also we discuss the National Geographic Explorer show with Guy and Bill Nye.

Here is a link to the broadcast.

Don North – US/NATO Embrace Psy-ops and Info-War

As reflected in a recent NATO conference in Latvia and in the Pentagon’s new “Law of War” manual, the U.S. government has come to view the control and manipulation of information as a “soft power” weapon, merging psychological operations, propaganda and public affairs under the catch phrase “strategic communications.” This attitude has led to treating psy-ops – manipulative techniques for …

Orwell, Huxley and the Scourge of the Surveillance State By Henry A. Giroux

In spite of their differing perceptions of the architecture of the totalitarian superstate and how it exercises power and control over its residents, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley shared a fundamental conviction. They both argued that the established democracies of the West were moving quickly toward a historical moment when they would willingly relinquish the noble promises and ideals of …

Prisons Without Walls: We’re All Inmates in the American Police State By John Whitehead

“Free worlders” is prison slang for those who are not incarcerated behind prison walls. Supposedly, those fortunate souls live in the “free world.” However, appearances can be deceiving.”As I got closer to retiring from the Federal Bureau of Prisons,” writes former prison employee Marlon Brock, “it began to dawn on me that the security practices we used in the prison system …

Humans v Honeybees

Close to three quarters of a century ago—all of 13 years before William Golding’sLord of the Flies came out, just 4 years before George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and just months before Pearl Harbor—Arthur Koestler’s dystopic novel, Darkness at Noon, was published in England.  The author would end badly: he’s remembered as the mini-Lamarckian, para-normalist contributor to an Encyclopedia for Sexual Knowledge, and as a vice president of the Voluntary …

Big Oil’s Broken Business Model

Until last fall, when the price decline gathered momentum, the oil giants were operating at full throttle, pumping out more petroleum every day.  They did so, of course, in part to profit from the high prices.  For most of the previous six years, Brent crude, the international benchmark for crude oil, had been selling at $100 or higher.  But Big …