Download this episode (right click and save) James Howard Kunstler is the author of many books including (non-fiction) The Geography of Nowhere, The City in Mind: Notes on the Urban Condition, Home from Nowhere, The Long Emergency, and Too Much Magic: Wishful Thinking, Technology and the Fate of the Nation. His novels include World Made By Hand, The Witch of …
Expat Files – 09.03.17
#1- Ten things you must know when taking on a Latino business partner: the do’s, dont’s, realities the pitfalls. #2- The scoop on gringo and expat legal name changes in Latin America: the why’s, where’s and the in’s and outs. #3- When gringos rip off gringos: Latin America is fertile ground for gringo con men and scammers. Surprisingly enough, gringos …
Expat Files – 08.20.17
#1- Ten Business tips for gringos and expats who are thinking about doing business in Latin America #2- Smart gringos and expats often buy existing Latin business that are up for sale: Often such a Latin business may be failing or just getting by and treading water. Consequently, many Latin businesses are dirt cheap diamonds in the rough available at …
Expat Files – 08.18.17
#1- Corn Tortillas: the unusual truth about the 3000 year old food that fed a good number of mighty civilizations. However good they taste and smell, gringos and expats should watch carefully how they are made and handled. Every little tortilla stand has a different set of hygienic standards ranging from good to ugly. Unfortunately the cleanliness factor can be …
Love Lust And Laughter – 08.08.17
Dr. Dudley Danoff, MD, FACS, a world renowned urologist, returned to the program. His newest book edition just came out today: “Male Sexual Health – How to Stay Vital at Any Age” – There are many praises for Dr. Danoff’s book – including this from Larry King: “Gives insightful, accurate, humorous, and knowledgeable answers to all the questions you were …
Expat Files – 07.28.17
#1- Pollution in Latin Cities. How bad is it and what are governments and locals people doing about it, if anything. #2- More good reasons why its not a good idea to live in a medium to large sized Latin city (or in any big US city for that matter). #3-Latin America has a continuous baby boom that’s mostly …
Expat Files – 05.28.17
#1- How to shift some of your assets to Latin America and plan ahead for that eventuality. Expat gonnabees and wannabees want to know what Latin assets they should consider buying and/or investing in that might assure a nice stable, low stress “Plan B” life when they finally arrive. #2- LATIN BANKS: you’ll certainly need an account in one …
Expat Files – 05.26.17
#1- When new green Expats encounter Narco chieftains and their entourages: that’s the subject of today’s “boots on the ground” real-life Expat story that happened recently in an upscale Latin restaurant #2- Can you guess the TWO favorite vehicle models overwhelmingly chosen by Narco capos and crooked Latin politicians for their day to day on the road travel? Hint?.. they …
Expat Files – 05.12.17
#1- Ecuador has now been permanently pulled from my preferred Expat “Plan B”destination list. Problem is, when the gringos come en mass so does the gouging and since the Ecuadorian government is dead set on subsidizing socialism for the masses, Gringos are taking it in the trasero. It will never end. Last month it was the 5% capital and …
Expat Files – 05.05.17
#1- I told you so! Today we have proof that the majority of Latin countries are now in the active stages of tightening their immigration and residency requirements for foreigners (that means gringos). Today we excerpt a trusted Panama media source outlining how residency requirements and tourist visa renewal laws are changing right now in Panama listing Latin countries that …