JOSEPH MANGANO & JANETTE D. SHERMAN – The Invisible Epidemic: Radiation and Rising Rates of Thyroid Cancer

Is it possible for an epidemic to be invisible? Since 1991 the annual number of newly documented cases of thyroid cancer in the United States has skyrocketed from 12,400 to 62,450. It’s now the seventh most common type of cancer. Relatively little attention is paid to the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland that wraps around the throat. Many don’t even know what the …

Ari LeVaux – Bad News for Sweets Lovers: Your Sugar Habit May Cause Breast Cancer

As if sugar doesn’t have enough PR problems, a new study [3] published in January suggests it encourages the growth and spread of breast cancer tumors in rats. Common sugar is half fructose and half glucose, and the researchers showed that the fructose half shows particularly carcinogenic activity. This is similar to recent evidence that pancreatic cancer cells can distinguish between fructose and …

Project Censored – 02.02.16

Despite its clean environment and health-concious residents, California’s Marin County has been called the breast-cancer capital of the world. But is the seemingly high incidence of the disease actually the result of high rates of screening, and tests that often yield false positives? And did some health officials allow the dubious reputation to continue, to keep research dollars flowing? Mickey Huff interviews Independent journalist Peter Byrne on the conclusions of his years-long investigation, and its implications about the workings of the health-care system.

Higher dietary fiber intake in young women may reduce breast cancer risk

Boston, MA – Women who eat more high-fiber foods during adolescence and young adulthood–especially lots of fruits and vegetables–may have significantly lower breast cancer risk than those who eat less dietary fiber when young, according to a new large-scale study led by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study will be published online February 1, 2016 …

Sugar in western diets increases risk for breast cancer tumors and metastasis

The high amounts of dietary sugar in the typical Western diet may increase the risk of breast cancer and metastasis to the lungs, according to a study at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. The findings, published in the Jan. 1, 2016 online issue of Cancer Research, demonstrated dietary sugar’s effect on an enzymatic signaling pathway known as …

What Women Must Know – Seven Essential Steps For Healing Breast Cancer and other Cancers and Diseases with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers – 12.17.15

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as “Dr. V,” has studied Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography. After 30 years in active practice, she decided to “retire” and devote her time sharing her personal, healing journey with breast cancer.
Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials ™, a step-by-step coaching program. Dr. V is a best-selling author and her book is Heal Breast Cancer Naturally: 7 Essential Steps to Beating Breast Cancer. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.

The Gary Null Show – 12.16.15

Dr. Christine Horner is a nationally recognized surgeon, complementary physician, author and a vocal advocate for natural approaches to women’s health. She was instrumental in the passing of a national bill signed by President Clinton that required insurance companies to pay for breast reconstruction following mastectomy. She writes columns for the Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine and Wellbella, and her writings are featured in dozens of women’s magazines. She has received numerous awards for her work in promoting alternative medical approaches to health. Her groundbreaking book on natural approaches to preventing and treating breast cancer through diet, lifestyle, herbs and supplements is “Waking the Warrior Goddess: Program to Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer,” which received the Independent Publisher Best Book Award of the Year for Health, Medicine and Nutrition. Her website is DrChristineHorner. com

DENISE GRADY – American Cancer Society, in a Shift, Recommends Fewer Mammograms

One of the most respected and influential groups in the continuing breast-cancer screening debate said on Tuesday that women should begin mammograms later and have them less frequently than it had long advocated. The American Cancer Society, which has for years taken the most aggressive approach to screening, issued new guidelines on Tuesday, recommending that women with an average risk …

Adam Johnson – Black and Hispanic People Have Longer Hospital Wait Times in America Than Whites

A short study [3] released Monday by JAMA Internal Medicine found that minorities wait, on average, 25% longer to obtain medical care than do whites. The period waiting for care, or  “clinic time” for White americans was about 80 minutes. For African-Americans it was 99, and for hispanics it was 105. The reasons for this disparity and varied and not entirely clear. Face-to-face …

Single neuron may carry over 1,000 mutations

A single neuron in a normal adult brain likely has more than a thousand genetic mutations that are not present in the cells that surround it, according to new research from Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists. The majority of these mutations appear to arise while genes are in active use, after brain development is complete. “We found that the …