Brian Shilhavy – Government Investigation Confirms Children are Trafficked in the U.S. – Modern Day Slavery

The trafficking of children and sexual slavery world-wide is a global epidemic. Most of the public’s image of such horrific examples of modern-day slavery evoke images of poorer countries where this problem is well-documented. However, a new government investigation confirms that the problem of trafficking children and modern-day child slavery is a very real problem right here within our own borders. Sen. …

Brian Shilhavy – Study: Coconut Oil Improves Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Patients

Health Impact News has been a leader in the alternative media publishing research and testimonials supporting the positive use of coconut oil with people suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease. These remarkable stories of families seeing dramatic improvement from Alzheimer’s and dementia are documented at [1]. In many cases, adding several spoonfuls of coconut oil a day to the diet of one suffering …

Brian Shilhavy – Report: “Fermented” Cod Liver Oil a Fraud

The alternative health/natural foods world was shocked yesterday by a new report published by Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, stating that “fermented” cod liver oil is allegedly not what it is advertised to be according to lab testing. The report suggests that the product is rancid and adulterated. This “fermented” cod liver oil is fully supported by the Weston A. Price …