Mickey’s guest for the hour is the academic, and prolific author, Henry Giroux of McMaster University in Canada. They discuss some of the consequences of neoliberalism and authoritarianism for the US, and how US political culture deteriorated to a level that allowed Trump to be elected.  Download this episode (right click and save)
Project Censored – 08.09.16
Peter and Mickey spend the hour in conversation with author/educator Henry Giroux. Giroux explains the concept of ‘critical pedagogy,’
and the pivotal role that education plays for the whole of society. He warns of the increasing domination of the world by the ultra-rich,
and a new form of anti-intellectualism fostered by a failing corporate media. Among the measures the left must take to resist these forces,
he cites the formation of a broad-based third political party, and more academics taking on the duties of public intellectuals, rather than
limiting themselves to the campus.
What Women Must Know – Effective, Time-tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life Threatening Illnesses with Julia Schopick – 07.28.16
Effective, Time-tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life Threatening Illnesses with Julia Schopick Julia Schopick is a best-selling author of the book, HONEST MEDICINE: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases. Through her writings and her blog,HonestMedicine.com, Julia’s goal is to empower patients to make the best health choices for themselves and their loved ones by teaching them about little-known but promising treatments their …
Heather Francis – How High Fat and Sugar Diets Can Hack the Body to Prevent You From Feeling Full
When we eat a meal, we take for granted that we should feel full afterwards. But eating a diet high in sugar and fat makes it harder for our body to tell if we are full or not. The typical diet in Western societies consists of highly processed, highly palatable foods, with lots of saturated fat and refined sugar. Examples …
Warrior Connection – 09.06.15
On today’s Warrior Connection, they had a discussion about diet, nutrition, and weight control. The physiological effects of toxic exposures have a serious negative effect on cellular nutrition and hence a sound well balanced diet is essential.