The Gary Null Show – 01.24.17

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary has a very important show for you today as he covers the topics of Green Tea benefits, lowering cancer risk, the studying of doctors, the middle east, a clip by the smart Abbey Martin and finally to wrap up the show Gary Null gives a powerful commentary on the Womens Rights To Gain Power.

Black Agenda Radio – 01.02.17

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Tens of thousands of Haitians remain in the streets protesting yet another rigged election by the foreign occupiers of that country; tensions increase in Milwaukee between police and the Revolutionary Black Panther Party: and, after eight years of Obama, all the Hope and Change has turned out to be Hype and a lower standard of living for Black and poor people.

Heart of Mind Radio – 12.30.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks with Maya Jocelyn, founder of Studio Maya, an evolutionary movement studio located in Brooklyn and Mahesh Benyamin Bridges, a community leader and meditation expert about the “Spiritual Unity Movement.” Guests: Maya Jocelyn: Studio Maya, Founder and Teacher Maya began dancing at age 5 and continued on to complete a BFA …

Leid Stories—Bernie’s All In; Election 2016: An ‘Outsider’ Sees the Big Picture—11.17.16

On May 18, as the contentious party primaries were winding down and first-time presidential candidate Bernie Sanders emerged as a real threat to the party-establishment-preferred Hillary Clinton, Sanders’ supporters boldly confronted the staid leadership of the Democratic Party for sabotaging his campaign.

Dirk Kurbjuweit – America Has Abdicated Its Leadership of the West

Even history sometimes leans toward pathos. In January 2017, when Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, the American Age will celebrate its 100th birthday — and its funeral. The West was constituted in its modern form in January 1917. World War I was raging in Europe at the time and in Washington, D.C., …

Dolly Freed – Living Well Without a Job and With (Almost) No Money

The following is an excerpt from Possum Living: Living Well Without a Job and With (Almost) No Money by Dolly Freed (Tin House Books, 2010). Originally published in the late 1970s when Freed was 18 years old, Possum Living is part philosophical treatise, part down-to-earth how-to, and provides a no-nonsense approach on how to beat the system and be self-sufficient — right in suburbia. …