Ann Larkin Hansen – How to Buy Farmland, Even If You Think You Can’t

For those of us who were born to farm but, alas, not born on a farm, the ache to have your own land can be so intense you feel it in your belly. I thought it could never happen for me. But now, after 20 years of farming and 15 years of interviewing farmers, I’m pretty sure that almost anyone …

Expat Files – 09.25.16

#1-Did you know that 16,000 Latin American refugees will soon be relocated to Australia? How well will they adapt to a country where almost no one speaks Spanish, no English /Spanish bilingual public schools and worse yet no Spanish language TV or soap operas? #2- Why such an unprecedented explosion of illegal Latins migrating to the states? Is it the …

The Personal Computer Radio Show – 09.07.16

September 7, 2016 Broadcast- Personal Computer Show, In The Computing News, Apple iPhone 7 Announcement,  Apple Watch Announcement, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 Recall, Bureau of Labor Statistics Workforce Report, Tech Corner,   Anatomy of a Computer – Barebone PC, Why do lithium batteries explode? Discussion Topic,  Ageism in the Job Market Download this episode (right click and save)

Kate Fried – Are You Sure You Want to Eat That?

Whether we shop for sustenance at a chain grocery store, the corner bodega or even at a farmers market, we all share a basic desire—to not get sick from the food that is supposed to nourish us. In fact, much of the time, most of us don’t think twice about the safety of our food. But not all nations have …

Sarah Lazare – How Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer Are Teaming Up With the NYPD to Push Police Militarization

Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton are teaming up with the NYPD to request high levels of funding for a federal “counter-terror” program that is directly bankrolling the militarization of police forces nationwide. To secure the funds, they are invoking the threat of terrorism and exploiting the climate of fear and incitement that has come to define the 2016 election cycle. …

Heart of Mind Radio – 06.10.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio we remember the movie “FAME” with alumni of Music and Art and LaGuardiia High School, who will be giving a concert on Friday June 10, with guests Anthony G Evans, Victor Cook and Andrew Kaen. We also talk with Andrew Kaen about his upcoming lecture at The New Life Expo on Saturday June 11th.

Host Kathryn Davis gives insights on her work with Cosmic Qigong and the Ascension Process. “This time we are taking the body with us. Let’s learn to take care and upgrade our body beautiful.”

Kathryn is offering an ongoing summer series in Quantum Qigong on Saturdays at 2:00 PM at Studio Maya, Brooklyn, New York. The next Spiritual Support Group meeting will be Wednesday June 15th 7:15-9:15 PM at Jnana Yoga, also in Brooklyn. For more information call: (347) 480-1694 or email

The End of Black Harlem

I HAVE lived in Harlem for half my life — 30 years. I have seen it in all its complexities: a cultural nexus of black America, the landing place for Senegalese immigrants and Southern transplants, a home for people fleeing oppression and seeking opportunity. Harlem is the birthplace of so much poetry and music and beauty, but in the eyes …

Judy Wicks – The Beauty—and Power—of Small Business

Like many entrepreneurs, I started my business for the freedom it gave me to do things my own way. I was more individualistic than cooperative with a lone ranger mentality.  But I wanted to do the right thing and be a sustainable business. At first my goal was to have the best possible practices—recycling, composting, solar hot water, renewable electricity, …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: Ahead of Primary, All Presidential Candidates Are In A New York Frame of Mind – 04.14.16

Going into the high-stakes, delegate-rich April 19 New York primary, presidential hopefuls are leaving nothing to chance. They’re all over the Empire State, working their circuits and trolling for votes. A hurriedly arranged CNN “debate” between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tonight in Brooklyn is trumping (pardon the pun) all other events the Democratic candidates have scheduled. On the Republican side, Donald Trump is making the most of his hometown brand.

Leid Stories discusses the importance of the New York primary, especially to those who reject duopoly politics.