Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.22.16

Robert Parry is one of our leading progressive investigative journalists best known for his uncovering Iran-Contra story and Oliver North’s involvement which earned him the George Polk Award for National Reporting in 1984. He is currently the senior editor and writes for Consortium News. Bob has covered many important stories including breaking the first story about the Nicaragan contra-cocaine connection in 1985, right wing terrorism, the demise of American media, the Bush and Obama presidencies, the rise and influence of the Neocons and our wars overseas. In the past he has worked as a journalist for the Associated Press, Newsweek and PBS Frontline. He has written several books, his latest being “America’s Stolen Narrative: From Washington and Madison to Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes to Obama”

His website is

Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss is an American Haredi Rabbi, human rights and religious activist and the spokesperson for Neturei Karta (Net-oor-ay Car-tah) – also known as Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism — in Brooklyn and Monsey New York. Neturei Karta is a Jewish group opposing the state of Israel and the Zionist agenda that pretends to be representative of the spiritual values in religious Judaism and the Torah. It was founded in Jerusalem in 1938 when a group of Orthodox rabbis refused to recognize the authority of what would later become the state of Israel. Rabbi Weiss is the son of Hungarian Jews; both of his grandparents died at the Auschwitz camp during the war. He is also a sharp critic of Jewish and Israeli efforts to use the Holocaust as a weapon to increase sympathy for political and economic advantage. He is highly respected within the Muslim and Palestinian communities for his efforts to advance interfaith dialogue between religions. The rabbi’s writings can be found on the Neturei Karta website at

Go inside the link for the great You Tube Clips Gary Null played.

Interview with Brett Tolley of Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance and Slow Fish – 02.25.16

Brett Tolley is from a four-generation fishing family from Massachusetts. He is currently the Community Organizer for the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance, working at the intersection of marine conservation and social justice. He is on the board of directors for Farm to Institution New England (FINE) and serves on the core team helping to grow the Slow Fish USA network. He currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Heart of Mind Radio – 02.12.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, Host welcomes Dr. Gill Kajikki for a discussion on hypothyroidism, low thyroid and Hashimoto’s disease.

Kathryn announces the start of her Heart Of Mind Spiritual Support Group and Healing Circle, to take place on Wednesday February 17th from 7:00-9:00 PM at the Commons Brooklyn, 388 Atlantic Ave., BK 11217, Space is limited so please Confirm by email to See details below.


Dr. Gil Kajiki, the nation’s leading expert in non-drug treatment for hypothyroidism, low thyroid and Hashimoto’s disease and founder of the Valley Thyroid Institute, a worldwide treatment center, says that many unexplained illnesses and conditions can be effectively treated when the right tests are applied.

Heart of Mind Radio – 01.29.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks to Yol Swan, author of The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing for Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls.

Yol Swan is a spiritual counselor, mentor and coach who has taken the understanding of the soul and the wounded Feminine to new cosmic depths.

A modern seer who perceives life as energy and is sensitive to other dimensions, she began channeling spiritual messages in her teenage journals and later developed a practical system of spiritual healing and energy management through more than 30 years exploring the mind and psyche, guided by her intuitive gifts, mystical experiences, and enlightened teachers from both Buddhist and Hindu traditions.

Once Yol realized she was an Indigo adult expressing the wounded Feminine on the planet, she noticed that some of her clients were also Indigos while most displayed many but not all of the Indigo features. While identifying the spiritual wounds and codependent patterns they all had in common, she discovered a Feminine-Masculine Soul Spectrum that explains essential differences between the many soul types inhabiting the Earth today.

She shares her journey and profound insights in her new book, The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing For Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls, where she presents an in- depth view of the wounded Feminine and Indigo archetype, as well as her spiritual healing system to help feminine souls—and anyone willing to explore their feminine side—unlock their hidden power, discover their purpose, and balance an overly masculine world to bring
in a new cosmic cycle of light.

Heart of Mind Radio – 01.22.16

In segment one: the host of Heart Of Mind Radio, Kathryn Davis reads a brief passage from her upcoming book: “Life in the Age of Now, Being from the center of existence! called: Two Dimensional Life in a 3D world.

Reading is followed by a discussion on The Beauty of 3rd Dimensional Life:
“It is only upon moving from the linear scape of flat surface and bare walls into the spiraling landscapes of the natural world, only then, will we fully inhabit our 3rd dimensional reality.”

In segment two: we hear an exert of the following presentation:
Stephen R. Covey on Living a Principle-Centered Life

Recorded in 2008. Dr. Steven Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People gives an outstanding address at Montana State University on living a principally-centered life.

He explains how those who live without principles tend to evaluate themselves according to what others think. He also encourages the incoming freshman he is addressing to not cram their studies in order to just get by in college, as that is a bad habit that Covey confesses he had which robbed him of much of the value of his early college education.

Heart of Mind Radio – 01.07.16

In the first segment Kathryn Davis will offer an invitation to her series of events which start Wednesday, January 20th and continue the third Wednesday of the month till June.

In segment two: Kathryn speaks to David Young about his music for transformation and opportunity for rare Free live streaming of his concerts during January. (Link to registration below)

David Young is a twice Grammy Nominated Musician who plays two Renaissance flutes at one time in harmony. His music has been called “The Most Heavenly Music on Earth,” and is used in over 10,000 wellness centers with all kinds of healers and practitioners. He has recorded 57 albums and sold over 1,000,000 copies. He is a also a healer, channel, author, and artist. It is said that more people have had out of body experiences while listening to his music than other musician alive today.

Infectious Myth – Canada’s Indigenous Genocide with James Daschuk – 01.05.16

In Episode 84 David discusses the genocide of indigenous people in Canada with James Daschuk, an associate professor in the faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. Despite Canada’s reputation as a polite and kind society, its treatment of its native population is as shocking as in other colonizing nations. Recently Canada has completed an investigation into its residential schools, which were used to destroy native culture under the guise of providing a standard education, and that resulted in physical and sexual abuse, opportunities for biomedical experimentation, and even starvation. This led to the destruction of native families and a continuing cycle of dysfunctional families, alcoholism, drug abuse and imprisonment. Canada is also about to start an investigation into the shocking number of women, mostly indigenous, mostly poor, often drug addicts or sex workers, who disappeared without authorities bothering to search for them. The most notorious of these was the case of Robert Pickton (, who confessed to killing 49 women in the Vancouver area. Finally, David and James delve into the history of the colonization of the prairies, the broken treaties, and the Indian Act that relegated natives to a child-like legal status, that James describes as apartheid.

You can find out more by reading Daschuk’s 2013 book “Clearing the Plains” that was a surprise bestseller in Canada and has won several awards:

Another surprise bestseller is the book of recollections of an elderly Cree man about growing up in a residential school, recommended by Daschuk:

An article on biomedical experiments in the 1940s and 1950s that took advantage of the under-nourishment at residential schools, and even prolonged it, can be found at:

Infectious Myth – End of Year Thoughts – 12.29.15

In Episode 83 David closes out 2015 on a positive note, talking about heroism and kindness, continuing on the subjects of vaccination, medical corruption, and the environment, and ending with discussions of terrorism, eavesdropping and justice (or injustice).

Links to articles used in this episode can be found at:

Heart of Mind Radio – 12.11.15

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, Kathryn Davis will focus on the power of the heart to heal and transform. Wellness, Awareness and Transcendence.

In the first segment we speak with Tonia Chauvet and Mary-Lynn Masi, two trainers of Heartfulness Meditation.

Heartfulness is a simple and practical way to experience the heart’s unlimited resources. Whether you are seeking stress reduction and relaxation, an individual meditation practice, or a deeper connection to your inner being.

Heartfulness Meditation is a simple, practical technique that you can use alongside any other form of yoga, meditation or practice. In a few minutes you will learn how to relax and feel the lightness and joy of your true nature. You don’t need to know how to meditate or to believe in a particular system or philosophy.The Heartfulness technique shows us to gently turn our attention towards our heart and experience that inner presence for ourselves.

During segment two Kathryn will speak about the NEW Energetic Portal that has opened and is accessible to humanity through awareness and intent. It is a vibration for healing, comfort and restoration. Kathryn also shares a meditation to help activate the process.