Leid Stories—Busted! Leaked Docs Show Clinton Foundation Confessing to Fraud; Post-Hurricane Matthew, Haitians Suspicious About What Comes with ‘Aid’—10.19.16

Charles Ortel, the acknowledged expert on the shady operations and financial dealings of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and its multiple offshoots, discusses documents released yesterday by WikiLeaks that appear to confirm that Clinton Foundation executives, including the Clintons, were well aware they were committing fraud.

Leid Stories—Bad Medicine, Big Money: Bombshell Congressional Report Says Clinton Foundation-Foreign Pharma ‘Charity’ Partnership Made Millions Giving Poor HIV/AIDS Patients ‘Watered Down’ Drugs—09.21.16

A blistering, just-concluded congressional report on the operations of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)—the highest-revenue-generating project of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation that was spun off as its own nonprofit in 2010—charges that the former president’s much-vaunted global HIV/AIDS relief program distributed “watered down” and “adulterated” medications to patients in sub-Saharan Africa and in cash-strapped countries where …