Only when we combine our concern for the planet with spiritual practice will we have the tools to make the profound personal transformations necessary to address…
On the surface, mindfulness practice seems tailor-made for increasing welfare of its adopters. Drawing upon centuries-old Buddhist and Vedantic rituals, it refers to a set of activities & exercisesperformed to…
On today's Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis features the work of Pema Chödrön, with audio segments offered by Also learn more about…
Today Show: Meditation Guest Speaker: Rose Filloramo Rose Filloramo is the founder and co- Director of "Angel Light", a counseling and healing center in…
A talk with renegade religious philosopher Michael Hoffman about entheogens, determinism, and religious experience from an engineering point of view.
A talk with secular Buddhist author and teacher Stephen Batchelor about the problem with religion, the aesthetics of the dharma, and why worries about McMindfulness…
Marguerite Agniel in a Buddha position with her legs crossed Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Photograph by J. de Mirjian, ca.1929. Copyrighted work available under Creative…
The topic of socially engaged Buddhism is complex and very important to the future of the dharma in our troubled, fast-moving and intensely competitive global…
Dharma” is a unique Indian concept, a gift of Indian civilisation to humanity. It has provided the compass for right action and right livelihood. There…