SPECIAL: HOMEOPATHY Dr. Alex Tournier is a practicing homeopath and scientific researcher. he studied physics at Imperial College of London, theoretical physics at the Cambridge University and received his doctorate from the University of Heidelberg studying the biophysics of water-protein interactions. In 2007 he founded and is now the director of the Homeopathy Research Institute in London, a charitable organization …
Felicity Lawrence – Organic and small-scale: An alternative vision for the future of farming
* The Oxford Real Farming Conference has rapidly outgrown its decades-old establishment counterpart and is calling for radical reforms to the industrialised intensive model they represent Two visions of the future of farming played out in Oxford this week. The five-year-old Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) at the town hall, sponsored by organic farming company Sheepdrove and dominated by small-scale …
What’s Wrong With Robert Kaplan’s Nostalgia for Empire – Juan Cole
Journalist Robert D. Kaplan thinks that what is wrong with the Middle East is a lack of imperialism, and he urges that it be brought back. It is how, he says, most of the world has been ruled by “default.” This argument is so ahistorical and wrong-headed that it takes the breath away. First of all, “imperialism” is an imprecise term. Kaplan …