Expat Files – 10.09.16

#1- What fresh new Expats need to know about first-world style healthcare and insurance coverage in Latin America: how to sign up, the costs, coverage and types of plans to choose from.   #2- The use and abuse of air conditioning in Latin America   #3- More Gringo/Expat driving tips and a new heads up on car repair scams.   …

Expat Files – 09.18.16

#1-Latin American homes are plagued by Cucarachas. They seem to have a sort kind of unavoidable symbiotic relationship. While gringos and Expats cringe and squirm, Latin locals don’t seem to notice them. Will you become accustomed and eventually not notice them either? Fact: I’ve personally only see three cucarachas in my place in the last year(and they died horrible deaths). …