Tim Radford – Northeastern US faces fiercer hurricanes

LONDON, 7 December, 2016 – Hurricanes could hit harder and more often along the northern Atlantic coast of the US. A new study based on 450 years of documentary and fossil evidence suggests that climate change driven by human combustion of fossil fuels is shifting the pathways of the hurricanes linked with the western Caribbean, and that global warming in …

Dahr Jamail – James Mattis Is a War Criminal: I Experienced His Attack on Fallujah Firsthand

Retired marine General James Mattis, who retired from being the head of CENTCOM in 2013, has become known recently for his stance against what he calls “political Islam.” “Is political Islam in the best interest of the United States?” Mattis said at the far right-wing Heritage Foundation in 2015. “I suggest the answer is no, but we need to have …

Dahr Jamail | Without Major Interventions, the Orca’s Days Are Numbered

No one is certain of the total number of orcas (otherwise known as “killer whales”) that exist in the wild. However, estimates are now around 100,000, and populations are dwindling. In Washington State’s Puget Sound and San Juan Islands, the once-large population of orcas has declined to around 80 whales, and the Puget Sound orcas are on the US government’s …

Global Alert News – 11.26.16

It is now standard operating procedure for the US military and the US media to publicly accuse any country (they wish to demonize) of any crime they can fabricate with virtually not a shred of proof to substantiate their accusations. The completely out of control corporate police state is fully demonstrating their tyranny at the Dakota pipeline protest. A Fukushima …

Jean Saint-Vil – If this Haitian was superstitious like the Clintons

The other day, I saw a video excerpt of an October 2012 speech in which Bill Clinton was telling an audience in New-York how his wife, Hillary, possesses the extraordinary psychic ability to speak regularly with the dead, in particular, with the spirit of former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. * Today, some U.S. citizens who are still stunned by the election of Donald Trump may be seeking extra insights to …

Black Agenda Radio – 11.14.16

Coming up: An analysis of Donald Trump’s victory – What does it mean for the fortunes of the Black Misleadership Class?; Is this the last chance for TPP, President Obama’s corporate rights trade bill?; and, the Black is Back Coalition holds a national conference on Self-Determination.