Eventful days in the middle of summer. Just as the Greek Pandora’s box appears to be closing for the holidays (but we know what happens once it’s open), and Europe’s ultra-slim remnants of democracy erode into the sunset, China moves in with a one-off but then super-cubed renminbi devaluation. And 100,000 divergent opinions get published, by experts, pundits and just …
iEat Green – Interview with Diane Hatz, Founder of Change Food – 07.30.15
This week, my guest on the Progressive Radio Network is Diane Hatz, the Founder and Executive Director of Change Food, a company who’s mission is to help individuals change the way they eat by raising public awareness, educating consumers and motivating behavior change around today’s problems with food. Diane uses her expertise to develop creative projects to help people make …
How Big Business Invented the Theology of ‘Christian Libertarianism’ and the Gospel of Free Markets By Kevin Kruse
During the Great Depression, big business needed rebranding. Blamed for the crash, belittled in the press, and beset by the New Deal’s regulatory state, corporate leaders decided they had to improve their image, and soon. “The public does not understand industry,” an executive complained, “because industry itself has made no effort to tell its story; to show the people of …
Feds Spent $3.3 Billion Fueling Charter Schools but No One Knows What It’s Really Bought – Jonas Persson
The federal government has spent more than $3.3 billion over the past two decades creating and fueling the charter school industry, according to a new financial analysis and reporters’ guide by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). (The new guide can be downloaded below.) Despite the huge sums spent so far, the federal government maintains no comprehensive list of the charter schools …
Eco Economics Takes on Neoliberalism – ROBERT HUNZIKER
Ever since Milton Friedman, American economist (1912-2006), who considered himself the heir to Adam Smith, used the term neoliberalism in an essay “Neoliberalism and its Prospects” in 1951, the world has tilted in that direction, starting with Chile as the “Chicago Boys” lab experiment under the watchful eye of the infamous dictator General Augusto José Ramón Pinochet Ugarte, president from …
Women are more likely to be physically assaulted in developed countries, study shows
When researchers examine violent assault numbers, historically the data has pointed to higher rates of female victimization in developing countries. But a study by a West Virginia University sociology professor finds that women in developed countries — like the United States — are actually more likely to be physically assaulted than women in developing countries. In “Individual and Structural Opportunities: …
Jesus Christ the family man? Why the church won’t buy it
If only the great arguments between religion and doubt could be settled by scientific evidence. A story this week has it that solid evidence has emerged about the historical Jesus: the “tomb of Jesus” reportedly contains proof that Jesus was married, had a son – and was never resurrected. So that’s settled then. Or at least it would be if …
The Most Dangerous Woman in America
SEATTLE—Kshama Sawant, the socialist on the City Council, is up for re-election this year. Since joining the council in January of 2014 she has helped push through a gradual raising of the minimum wage to $15 an hour in Seattle. She has expanded funding for social services and blocked, along with housing advocates, an attempt by the Seattle Housing Authority …
The Big Mistakes of Religion and Secularism
We live in a powerfully secular culture, strongly influenced by the methods and findings of science, by a widespread reliance on technology, and by ubiquitous seductive commercial enticements. There is, in consequence, considerable risk of people rejecting the religion of theirparents’ and grandparents’ culture, never to reconsider deeply this vital aspect of their lives. Young children all exhibit some degree …