Energy Stew – Mas Sajady will talk about our truest selves – 30.30.18

Every day we get a taste of how real life is and how complicated. It’s a difficult path for us all and we need to find the strongest part of our selves. This will be a very deep interview with Mas Sajady about being true to your path and believing in your deeper self no matter what you’re opposing. This …

Ask The Blood Detective – How to Eat vs. What To Eat – 03.25.17

“Mindfulness during eating is critical”, according to Dr Michael Wald, “…if part of your intention from eating is to optimize healing”. Furthermore, Dr Wald claims that, “eating healthy is not enough! Drinking fresh juices will not reduce your inflammation to its fullest unless your are mindful while you drink them.” Finally, says the Blood Detective, “even the very best nutritional supplements CANNOT build your health unless you consume them with a mindful perspective.” Join Dr. Wald on the next episode of, Ask The Blood Detective, as he try’s to change the very way that you eat your food. Dr Wald can be reached for. An appointment at Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco by calling 914-242-8844 or by emailing him directly at:

Sarah DeWeerdt – Cities Are Driving Rapid Evolutionary Changes to Plant and Animal Species

Cities are driving rapid evolutionary changes to plant and animal species, according to a study published yesterday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Usually, we think of evolution as happening in remote, isolated, or pristine places—the Galapagos Islands, for example. But the new findings suggest that scientists can’t understand evolution as it’s currently occurring without grappling with the …

What Women Must Know – The Healing Power of Cultured Foods for Autism and Overall Wellbeing with Kirsty Wirth – 12.08.16

Kirsty Wirth is the founder of Kultured Wellness, a company whose mission is to inspire and educate people to take control of their health by eating real and fermented foods that nourishes the brain and the gut. She is the brainchild behind Kultured Wellness Culture Starters and functional supplements.

Infectious Myth – Sinead McCarthy on Undisturbed Birth – 08.04.15

In episode 68 David talks with Sinead McCarthy about undisturbed or unassisted birth, in which a woman, and her partner, take full responsibility for the birth, without even a doula or midwife. They talk about the medicalization and institutionalization of pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding, and how birth is a natural process that can be reclaimed by mothers.

Sinead recommends the writings of Sarah Buckley, MD, author of “Gentle Birth. Gentle Mothering” ( and of Michel Odent, MD, a male surgeon who pioneered a much more natural and humane approach to birth ( She also recommends the website of two midwives who opted out of licensing to gain more freedom:

Sinead’s own website is: