Vitamins – You are not what you eat, but what you ACTIVATE! The old adage, “you are what you eat” is dead wrong! Your are not even what you absorb from what you eat. Ultimately you are what you activate. Nutrients from both foods and nutritional supplements must be activated in either or both the small intestines and liver. Learn …
The Gary Null Show – 06.28.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed these topics as well as give his own commentary on a few subjects and listens to what you have to say. Click on the links to read after listen to Gary discuss these topics.
Couple Sentenced to Prison for Seeking Natural Remedies for Son’s Illness
Consumption of omega-3s linked to lower risk of fatal heart disease
Low CoQ10 levels linked with neurodegeneration: Study
Dose of nature is just what the doctor ordered, scientists say
Eating more broccoli may lower heart disease, cancer risk
Exercise can boost your child’s brain power, and help them score in exams
Daily calcium intake of 1,000 or 2,000 mg best for rickets
Probiotics may prevent breast cancer: Study
The healing powers of music: Mozart and Strauss for treating hypertension
Gary goes to a music break and plays this jam: Teddy Pendergrass – I Don’t Love You Anymore. Gary returns to discuss some issues
The age Of political stupid by Michael Roberts
Constitutional convention defined
Mark Levin on the Constitutional convention: The framers would have never voted for ‘the Government as it exists today’
Gray discusses his thoughts on how to stop terrorism and he gives you 10 great reasons to stop NOW.
The Great Lakes water wars have begun after U.S. officials approve drawing 30 million litres per day
Gary does a quick music break again before taking your calls to end the show.
He plays this cut for his 2nd quick break: Barry White – Can’t get enough of your love, Babe
The Gary Null Show – 06.09.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary does a great show starting with health and nutrition and then guest Glen Ford:
If antidepressants don’t work well, why are they so popular?
Stomach acid blockers linked to brain damage and kidney disease
Calcium linked to reduced breast cancer rates: Meta-analysis
The effect of coenzyme Q10 supplementation on Pro-inflammatory factors and adiponectin in mildly hypertensive patients: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Lighting colour affects sleep and wakefulness
Gary goes to a music break and plays this jam: When somebody loves you back – Teddy Pendergrass
Gary goes to his guest, thee great radio host, Glen Ford. Here is a quick bio of Glen:
Glen Ford is the Executive Editor of the Black Agenda Report, son of the famed disc jokey Rudy “The Deuce” Rutherford, the first Black television host to have a non-gospel radio in the Deep South. In the 1970s he was a correspondent and journalist covering Capitol Hill and the White House for the Mutual Black network, and later hosted the nation’s first syndicated Black news interview program, “America’s Black Forum.” Since then, Glen has been one of the nation’s leading voices in political and social analysis and commentary on current affairs in the African American community. He is also a founding member of the Washington chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists, a board member of the National Alliance of Third World Journalists and is a frequent lecturer on the role of progressive media at universities.
Glen’s program – Black Agenda Radio– can be heard every Monday at 11:00 am on the Progressive Radio Network
The Gary Null Show – 04.19.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discussed these topics below and had Mr. Alan Phillips on as well. Please click on the titles to learn more about the topics Gary spoke on:
The more you run, the denser your bones will be
Watercress extract detoxifies carcinogens in smokers, clinical trial demonstrates
Eating dark chocolate as a daily snack could help boost athletic performance
Eating chocolate improves cognitive function, study finds
Regular exercise may boost prostate cancer survival
Gary takes a quick music break. Listen here to the track: Slave – Watching You
Most U.S. adults say today’s children have worse health than in past generations
Great willow herb as an antidote in therapies against multi-drug resistant bacteria
UK study supports cardiovascular safety of calcium and vitamin D supplementation
Lack of vitamin D ‘significantly speeds up the growth of breast cancer tumors and causes the disease to spread
Neurosurgeon issues public challenge to vaccine zealots: Inject yourselves with all shots you say children should get!
Trade officials promised Exxon that TTIP will erase environmental ‘obstacles’ worldwide
Common pesticides ‘can kill frogs within an hour’
Most Americans Pray for Healing; More than One Fourth Have Practiced ‘Laying on of Hands,’ Baylor University Study Finds
– Gary discusses a study he did and how the energy that was given to plants and food make each different and how respecting the power of prey is a good thing.
Quick break with music by Slave – Watching You again. Gary then returns with some commentary on why are we not challenging the people who are controlling the Unites States
Henry A. Giroux – Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Civic Illiteracy
Gary goes to break with the song of the day: Slave – Watching You. Gary returns with his guest, Alan Phillips. Here is his bio:
Alan Phillips is one of the few lawyers in America and nationally recognized expert practicing vaccine exemption and waiver law and individual and legal rights on vaccination policies. He advises families, individuals, attorneys and legislators across the US on vaccine policies, health rights and exemptions. He is an Advisory Board member of the World Association for Vaccine Education and is a co-founder of the North Carolina Citizens for Healthcare Freedom. Alan’s writings have appeared internationally in publications from India to Europe and the US. He is the author of the e-book – “The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions”, perhaps the most concise, in depth information on state and federal laws for those who wish to refuse vaccines. He also hosts the weekly radio show “The Vaccine Agenda”. For more information and to access a free copy of the vaccine guide, his website is Vaccine
Greenpeace Sting Exposes Climate-Denying Academics-for-Hire
Professors from major U.S. institutions agreed to write reports promoting the benefits of CO2—and said they did not need to disclose fossil fuel funding As climate change deniers face growing scrutiny and skepticism, a new undercover investigation by the environmental group Greenpeace shines new light on academics-for-hire, who are willing to accept secret payments from fossil fuel companies to sow doubt …
Young adults are more envious than their elders—and about more things
“Mirror, mirror, on the wall – who’s the fairest of them all?” New research doesn’t have an answer to that. But it does give clues as to who is the “enviest” and would have been more likely to pester (and fester) with the question in the first place: Snow White, not her stepmother. If only fairy tales lined up with …
Yelena Sukhoterina – Top 10 Toxic Fake Food Items Produced In China
Some Chinese websites have come out with instructional videos on how to make $70 a day by producing and selling fake eggs. The chemicals that are required are “Alginic Acid, Potassium Alum, Gelatin, Calcium Chloride, water and artificial color.” The eggshells are made from Calcium Carbonate. Eating these eggs may cause memory-loss and dementia. Source: 2. Walnuts stuffed with cement Read More
What Women Must Know – Create Naturally Strong Bones for Life with Dr. Susan Brown – 09.10.15
Many years ago Dr. Susan E. Brown, PhD began to “rethink” osteoporosis — its nature, causes, prevention, and treatment — starting a revolution in bone health that continues to this day.
Dr. Brown first became interested in bone health when she lost her grandmother, at the age of 102, to complications from a hip fracture. Dr. Brown couldn’t help wondering, how much longer might this alert and active woman have lived had she not fractured her hip? Her interest grew into a compulsion as she sought to understand why the disease existed and what we could do about it.
As an anthropologist using a cross-cultural perspective, Dr. Brown discovered that the nature of osteoporosis is very different than commonly believed. She found that cultures with the highest calcium intake also have the highest osteoporosis rates, despite conventional wisdom that calcium levels dictate bone health. Dr. Brown’s research found that though people in many countries have lower bone density than we do in the United States, their fracture rates are significantly lower. Her research led her to a startling conclusion: the disease of osteoporosis is a preventable disorder created by our lifestyles and eating habits.
Dr. Brown’s “rethinking” has led to Better Bones — a comprehensive, whole-body approach to bone health that reaches beyond the estrogen and calcium myths to truly support healthy bone growth and regeneration through nutrition and lifestyle.
Through more than 20 years of research, Dr. Brown has learned that our bones need a variety of nutrients in addition to calcium to repair themselves, and that the body needs to maintain a balanced pH to prevent further loss of bone.
Homemade calcium and magnesium eggshell recipe
The need for calcium and magnesium for growing and maintaining a healthy body has been well established for decades. Absorbing these nutrients isn’t so easy. Most mineral supplements come from inorganic matter that is not bioavailable. In fact, taking a calcium or a calcium magnesium supplement will often do you more harm than good. The fact is that most supplements …