Surge in methane emissions threatens efforts to slow climate change

Global concentrations of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas and cause of climate change, are now growing faster in the atmosphere than at any other time in the past two decades. That is the message of a team of international scientists in an editorial to be published 12 December in the journal Environmental Research Letters. The group reports that methane concentrations …

What would a rational criminal justice system look like?

The American jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr wrote in 1925: ‘If I were having a philosophical talk with a man I was going to have hanged (or electrocuted) I should say, I don’t doubt that your act was inevitable for you, but to make it more avoidable by others we propose to sacrifice you to the common good. You may …

Kelly Brogan – Feminism and the Election: The Gift of Acceleration

Cars were at a 12 minute standstill and the traffic light repeatedly cycled green to red. In the streets, throngs of sign-toting New Yorkers were giving voice to their passion. There were tears and profanity. The waves of protesters streamed endlessly. “FUCK TRUMP” was the choice mantra of this movement. The perplexed Nepalese driver turned and said in his broken …

Lorraine Chow – Finland Set to Become First Country in the World to Ban Coal

This is all part of Finland’s ambitious target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 percent by 2050. “Giving up coal is the only way to reach international climate goals,” Rehn added. According to The Independent, the “Energy and Climate Strategy for 2030 and Beyond” is the country’s plan to phase out coal within 14 years. Finland aims …


It should be, for any literate person, essentially a truism that Barack Obama and even Hillary Clinton are preferable to Donald Trump, and are also probably preferable to any of the other Republicans who ran for office in 2016. But not by much. Under Obama, we did see some cosmetic reforms to a society in rapid tailspin: The Iran Nuclear …

A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congresswoman Maxine Waters – 12.04.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is considered by many to be one of the most powerful women in American politics today. She has gained a reputation as a fearless and outspoken advocate for women, children, people of color and the poor.

Global Alert News – 11.26.16

It is now standard operating procedure for the US military and the US media to publicly accuse any country (they wish to demonize) of any crime they can fabricate with virtually not a shred of proof to substantiate their accusations. The completely out of control corporate police state is fully demonstrating their tyranny at the Dakota pipeline protest. A Fukushima …