“Tonight on The Intelligence Hour, host Kevin Shipp interviews Joe Napoli, of crowdsourcethetruth.org. Mr. Napoli gives a dramatic eye witness account of the Las Vegas massacre. Mr. Shipp and Mr. Napoli discuss his eye witness description, that differs dramatically from the official narrative. From shots being fired from a location other than the Mandalay Bay hotel, to the mysterious disappearance of hotel security guard Jesus Campos, …
Ask The Blood Detective – DEATH BY FLU – 02.03.18
DEATH BY FLU The flu is killing people and it is making the lives of millions of people miserable. Tune into the BloodDetective as he reveals the hidden truths behind the flu shot, impact upon immunity, health, resistance and death. Learn natural precausions involving lifestyle including herbs, foods, hygiene and more. Dr. Wald, DC, PhD, Dietician is host of, Ask …
The super-wealthy keep getting richer and, while they are human beings, they just don’t seem to care how many people die or go hungry while billionaires party on. That’s the only conclusion you can come to after reading a new stunning report about global wealth and inequality out from Oxfam–and I delve into the report with Oxfam’s Paul O’Brien. I also chat …
The Working Life Podcast With Jonathan Tasini – UBER & LYFT ARE BAD, BAD COMPANIES; BIG UNION WIN AT THE LATIMES! – 01.25.18
Yeah, I get it: you like Uber and Lyft because it’s the “new thing” in the app-centered corporate world. But, know this: Uber and Lyft are very bad corporate actors, stomping around the country, using right-wing, anti-consumer, anti-union tactics, to trash fundamental rights in every state—as I learn from Rebecca Smith, co-author of an incredible study about the nefarious tactics …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.24.18
My guest, journalist MK Mendoza, provides one of the most heartfelt, original and important hours I have experienced on the air. One year after her father’s death, she speaks out in public for the first time about what it is like to be a family member of someone labelled mentally ill who was then destroyed by psychiatric treatment. From the age of …
Focus On The Facts – 01.23.18
Patricia Negron and I covered the latest details on the take-down of the Global Pedophile Network and progress of the Trump Administration in stopping the Global human trafficking networks. Also discussed the Pope now accusing victims of sexual abuse by priests of slandering the priests and the nuclear meltdown taking place on Capital Hill and the revelation by Q of …
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – The Web of Student Debt and other 2018 Challenges – 01.17.18
Through regulatory capture, banks and other powerful corporations are able to maximize their profiteering, usually at others’ expense. A particularly egregious example of lending abuse is in federal loan programs designed to help America’s college students. Ellen talks with Alan Collinge of Student Loan Justice about this exploitive financing regime, and co-host Walt McRee speaks with Mike Brown of LendEdu.com about …
Resistance Radio – Guest: laura cunningham – 01.14.18
Laura Cunningham is an artist-naturalist, author, and biologist, who also co-founded a conservation organization, Basin and Range Watch that works towards saving the California and Nevada deserts. She is the author/illustrator of the extraordinary book A State of Change: Forgotten Landscapes of California. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Conspiracy Guy – 01.10.18
Conspiracy Guy Show #58: Oprah for 2020! The idea has electrified the progressive and left and (at least temporarily) reinvigorate a lethargic Democrat Party in disarray. It looks like she would be formidable candidate and, no doubt, in her thoughtful, systematic way, is organizing research on her behalf regarding the legal ramifications and policy studies should she embark upon such …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.10.18
Tony Stanton, MD is a child and adult psychiatrist who has been in the field almost as long as I have, and like me from the beginning knew that drugs were not the answer. For more than two decades, Tony ran a program in California that took the last resort children of the state, those who had “failed” everywhere else, often …