Tim Radford – Global warming will hit US northeast hard

US scientists provide new reality check for Donald Trump on the combined stresses of global warming and the rising costs of water. LONDON, 18 January, 2017 – America’s north-eastern states are set to become hotter on average than the rest of the world as a result of global warming. New research by scientists in the US predicts that even if …

Focus on the Facts – 01.17.17

The guest was Jason Christoff, a Certified Holistic Life Style Coach from Canada. Discussed how chemtrails, vaccines, prescription drugs, Fluorinated water, and GMO foods are manipulating the minds and bodies of mankind. The elite motivation is to automate humanity into a computer class of workers and Jason explained how that extends to mind control and the practice of inoculating people with vaccines and mind-numbing chemicals.

The Infectious Myth – David Stephan Part 1: Ezekiel’s Final Days – 01.03.17

David Crowe interviews David Stephan, whose second child Ezekiel died in 2012. David, and his wife Collet, were charged with the death, and were eventually convicted of “failing to provide the necessities of life”. David Stephan explains why they are appealing this conviction, through describing the last few weeks of his son’s life, up to the point at which the ambulance and hospitals took charge of the boy. Part 2 of this discussion will describe Ezekiel’s death in hospital, the subsequent court hearings and the ongoing appeal, and the possible reasons why the government and medical treatment system of the Province of Alberta was so anxious to blame the parents for this unfortunate death.

ANDREW MCGILL – Why People Vote for Counterproductive Policies

Governing is often a cause-and-effect business. Give workers a tax break on retirement accounts? More people save for life after the working world. Offer a rebate for old cars? Drivers scrap their gas-guzzling Explorers in favor of sensible Corollas, and average fuel efficiency goes up. It’s easy to sell something to voters when the costs and benefits are immediately obvious. …

Graham E. Fuller – How America Disgraces Itself

It had been an exhausting, interminable 18-20 months of presidential campaigning during which much of the business of thoughtful American governance had to yield space to the riveting follies of politics. Yet  most other countries in the world, not locked into dictators or kings for life, conduct their elections far more briskly and get on with business. Canada with its …

How many adults in the united states are taking psychiatric drugs?

About 1 in 6 adults in the United States reported taking psychiatric drugs at least once during 2013, according to a new research letter published online by JAMA Internal Medicine. Thomas J. Moore, A.B., of the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, Alexandria, Va., and Donald R. Mattison, M.D., M.S., of Risk Sciences International, Ottawa, Canada, used the 2013 Medical Expenditure …

Tim Radford – Human ‘technosphere’ weighs 30 trillion tonnes

LONDON, 13 December, 2016 – Scientists have calculated the mass of that unnatural achievement called the “technosphere”, demonstrating the scale of human activity that drives climate change. The bleak conclusion is that cities, factories, cars, railways, cameras, computers, ballpoint pens, swords, machine guns and all other manmade things now weigh about 30 trillion tonnes. The scientists also estimate that the …

Robert Parry – How War Propaganda Keeps on Killing

A key reason why American foreign debacles have been particularly destructive mostly to the countries attacked but also to the United States is that these interventions are always accompanied by major U.S. government investments in propaganda. So, even when officials recognize a misjudgment has been made, the propaganda machinery continues to grind on to prevent a timely reversal. In effect, …

Focus on the Facts – 12.05.16

Discussed the depopulation agenda and the disturbing stories and connections between Pizzagate and the Franklin Scandal and the investigation of the world wide pedophile and human trafficking network, with the guest Ruth Goodyear a nurse and mental health professional in Canada who has done recovery work with victims of Satanic ritual abuse.