100-SOLAR-PANEL HOUSES & the TRANS-SIBERIAN RAILROAD are brought to us by PAUL KANGAS, a leading northern California activist pushing hard for a Solartopian solution to our global eco-crisis.
Chris Draper – Are mass whale deaths and locust swarms an ominous warning to the world?
Beached whale carcasses and locus infestations sound like Biblical plagues straight from the Old Testament, but they are a reality afflicting segments of the globe. Consequently, many people are wondering whether these episodes are an ominous warning to the rest of the world. Last January, the UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme unveiled information that 1,000 whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) …
LOA Today – 02.04.16
This week on LOA Today Joel and Walt talk about the Law of Attraction inevery day activities, starting off with two stories about how our pre-call mindset directly affects our experience when calling a major call center of a major company.