Fearless Parent Radio – Health Lessons From Hollywood – 12.09.15

Guest // Suzanne Somers

Host // Kelly Brogan, MD

Yes, we want to be healthy. Once we stop nodding at the basic platitudes — sound sleep, regular exercise, smart nutrition — however, we’re left wrestling with the brutal realities of living in the real world:

It’s hard to be healthy. I’m not smart enough to reconcile so much conflicting information. Do whole grains promote health or cause inflammation?
I’m too busy to be healthy. Who has time for this? I run out of day before the end of my job and family obligations.
It’s stressful to be healthy. When I have free time, I want to chill out. I do not want to research about health.
It’s bad for my social and family life to be healthy. People think I’m weird or they feel implicitly criticized by my actions. My family wants to fire me.
It’s not enough to be healthy. I want to look good. What happens when the thing that’s healthy conflicts with the thing that makes me look and feel my best?

Paul Fassa – Dr. Burzynski on Trial Again – Will His Life-saving Cancer Treatments Ever be Available to the Public?

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., established his Burzynski Institute for cancer research and healing in Houston, TX, the same city that hosts the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center. Originally from Poland, Dr. Burzynski has been researching and developing a unique approach for curing cancer since 1976. His approach avoids the carpet bombing chemotherapy of conventional oncology that destroys healthy cells as …

How does your garden grow? For cancer patients, small gardens could bring big benefits

The benefits of health nature-based activities are well-known; many programmes encourage cancer patients to tend gardens to improve psychological health. But nature isn’t always accessible, particularly for cancer patients who are frail or disadvantaged. (And it can take a lifetime of gardening experience to find joy in a garden in winter.) In the latest article in ecancermedicalscience, a team of researchers …

Brown seaweed extract battles cancer

Health evidence for fucoidan stacks up as a new Australian study finds that the seaweed polysaccharide has potential to battle Helictobacter pylori-related diseases and gastric cancer through an anti-adhesion mechanism. The in vitro study carried out by scientists from the University of Western Australia showed that fucoidan extracts are effective at dislodging H. pylori bacteria from infected human stomach cancer cells. “The results show that …

Say Goodbye to Medical Curcumin!

The FDA continues its war on the compounding of custom medications by eliminating even more dietary ingredients. Action Alert!  Curcumin is the most important ingredient of the Indian herb turmeric. You probably have it in your kitchen as a yellow spice. From a health standpoint, this herb is a miracle. It is tremendously anti-inflammatory and has so many health benefits it …

Sayer Ji – If Cannabis Can Kill “Incurable” Brain Cancer, Why Is It Criminalized?

In recent years, we’ve focused heavily on educating our readers about the still relatively unknown role that cancer stem cells play in cancer, both in terms of conventional cancer treatment failure and the exceptionally promising role that natural interventions play in targeting these highly malignant cells. It is encouraging to witness a growing awareness that cancer has been completely misunderstood, and …

World Health Organization: Prolonged Exposure to Even LOW Level Radiation Increases the Risk of Cancer

Over 300,000 Nuclear Workers from France, the UK and US Studied for Radiation-Cancer Link A major new study coordinated by World Health Organization’s cancer division – the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) – finds that even low-level radiation increases the risk of cancer, if exposure occurs over time. The IARC announced last week: New results from a study …

GcMAF: Another Suppressed Cancer Treatment?

Reports have been circulating around the natural health community of a compound known as Gc-protein derived macrophage activating factor, or GcMAF, and its remarkable effects on cancer. One of these is a video clip (above) of an in vitro attack of macrophages, a type of immune cell, which have been treated with GcMAF against human breast cancer cells. This can be best …

Study: Cellphone Use ‘Triples Brain Tumor Rates’

Did you ever wonder how a cell phone might affect your brain? When you think about it, the use of cell phones is massively experimental, as we had no idea what kind of negative effects they might have on people when they were first introduced. Well now, decades after heavy use of cell phones, a study shows that brain tumor …

Is Pope Francis Sicker Than We Know?

Italian media reports that the pontiff saw a brain-cancer specialist from Duke have Vatican watchers wondering more than ever about the health of His Holiness. VATICAN CITY — The Vatican’s press machine kicked into high gear Wednesday to try to dispel rumors that Pope Francis has a small benign brain tumor that was discovered by a Japanese specialist several months …