DENISE GRADY – American Cancer Society, in a Shift, Recommends Fewer Mammograms

One of the most respected and influential groups in the continuing breast-cancer screening debate said on Tuesday that women should begin mammograms later and have them less frequently than it had long advocated. The American Cancer Society, which has for years taken the most aggressive approach to screening, issued new guidelines on Tuesday, recommending that women with an average risk …

Ian Fairlie – Radiation and Cancer: Risks of Leukemia in Nuclear Workers More Than Double Previous Estimate

In 2013, I discussed several epidemiological studies providing good evidence of radiogenic risks at very low exposure levels. A powerful new study has been published in Lancet Haematology [1] which adds to this evidence. However the study’s findings are more important than the previous studies, for several reasons. First, it provides “strong evidence”, as stated by the authors, of a …

Adam Johnson – Black and Hispanic People Have Longer Hospital Wait Times in America Than Whites

A short study [3] released Monday by JAMA Internal Medicine found that minorities wait, on average, 25% longer to obtain medical care than do whites. The period waiting for care, or  “clinic time” for White americans was about 80 minutes. For African-Americans it was 99, and for hispanics it was 105. The reasons for this disparity and varied and not entirely clear. Face-to-face …

Cooking oil industry contributes to inflammation and premature death

For thousands of years, olive oil was known to be beneficial for health. Muhammad, the ancient prophet of Islam, applied it to his head and advised his followers to use it on their bodies as it was good and life giving. It was also revered as “holy oil” and used in baptism within the Christian church for centuries. Even the …


Despite major improvements in treatment and survival, children’s cancer rates are rising in the United States, leaving parents and scientists alike searching for evidence of what’s behind the trend. A new report sheds light into one avoidable risk: household pesticides. Children exposed to insecticides inside their homes have a 47 percent higher risk of developing certain cancers in childhood, according to the …

Nick Allen – Researchers say drug kills cancer cells in rats but cautions against use by humans

The US government has confirmed that cannabis can kill cancer cells after the drug did so in tests on mice and rats, according to the National Cancer Institute. The development will provide further ammunition for pro-legalisation campaigners. On its website The National Cancer Institute, part of the US department of health, said: “Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids …

Brendan Kelly – The Yin and Yang of Cancer and Climate Change

Almost all of what we hear about cancer comes from our usual western perspective. Things like how smoking can increase the likelihood of developing the condition and how eating vegetables can reduce the chances. However, if we look at cancer from a different view, we begin to see that what’s happening within us is also happening in the world around …

Big mistake: Conventional medicine performs double mastectomy when not needed

Brutal behavior: Should we really be doing this to women? Known as ductal carcinoma in situ, or D.C.I.S., the Stage O breast cancer condition equates to the finding of abnormal cells, confined to the milk ducts of the breast. Diagnosed cases of D.C.I.S. have soared in recent years due to advanced mammography, which is now able to detect even the …

The Gary Null Show – 08.20.15

James (Jim) Otto is a civil rights attorney practicing in Northridge California and specializing in the protection of American workers and green card holders from illegal civil rights violations. For many years he has investigated the flip side of outsourcing of jobs overseas, and has filed lawsuits on behalf of American workers who have been fired from US employers who want to import immigrants into the US, utilizing the visa-work programs, in order to work for lower salaries. He is currently handling a criminal fraud law suite against Disney Corporation for firing over 700 competent US workers so Disney could import less trained foreign workers to replace them. A similar law suit has been filed against the Screen Actors Guild. Jim was a former Marine Corps officer in the 1970s. From 1996 to 2002, he worked for the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing prosecuting violators of civil rights laws. His website is