Plant extract shows promise in treating pancreatic cancer

A natural extract derived from India’s neem tree could potentially be used to treat pancreatic cancer, according to a new study in the journal Scientific Reports. Biomedical scientists at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso (TTUHSC El Paso) tested nimbolide, a compound found in neem leaves, against pancreatic cancer in cell lines and mice. The results revealed that nimbolide can stop pancreatic cancer’s …

The Fraud of the American Cancer Society Exposed

Does your insurance cover the latest cancer drug that costs $159 to make, but sells for $106,000? The cost of cancer drugs has skyrocketed lately by more than 5000%, and this is not the exception, but the rule. Despite this gob-smacking display of greed, we continue to finance not only the pharmaceutical industry, but ‘charitable organizations’ that are nothing more than …

JOSEPH MANGANO & JANETTE D. SHERMAN – The Invisible Epidemic: Radiation and Rising Rates of Thyroid Cancer

Is it possible for an epidemic to be invisible? Since 1991 the annual number of newly documented cases of thyroid cancer in the United States has skyrocketed from 12,400 to 62,450. It’s now the seventh most common type of cancer. Relatively little attention is paid to the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland that wraps around the throat. Many don’t even know what the …

Project Censored – 02.02.16

Despite its clean environment and health-concious residents, California’s Marin County has been called the breast-cancer capital of the world. But is the seemingly high incidence of the disease actually the result of high rates of screening, and tests that often yield false positives? And did some health officials allow the dubious reputation to continue, to keep research dollars flowing? Mickey Huff interviews Independent journalist Peter Byrne on the conclusions of his years-long investigation, and its implications about the workings of the health-care system.

Higher dietary fiber intake in young women may reduce breast cancer risk

Boston, MA – Women who eat more high-fiber foods during adolescence and young adulthood–especially lots of fruits and vegetables–may have significantly lower breast cancer risk than those who eat less dietary fiber when young, according to a new large-scale study led by researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study will be published online February 1, 2016 …

Let’s Create A Better World – 01.30.16

Some of the most unique approaches for the prevention and healing of major diseases is the topic of this, one of our best shows ever. Our guest, Cindy Sellers, Master cleanser, author, speaker and health coach at Angel Farms in Hawaii, gave great information about Diabetes, Self Love, Gratitude, Inflammation, Carbohydrates, Happiness versus Stress, Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer.

Gall Bladder problems, Diabetes and Cancer are at an all time epidemic and getting worse.

Through her work and studies Cindy found some unusual and surprising causes of young people developing Gall Bladder problems, women getting Breast Cancer and men developing enlarged Prostates and Prostate Cancer, and that happiness and self love can be major contributors to healing and are great tools for prevention. She also talked about anxiety and F.E.A.R. (Fantasy – Emotion – Appearing – Real) and that our bellies are our Fear center.

Other subjects discussed were alkaline water, Memory and the Brain, sleep, what to eat, supplements and she gave Ayurvedic “Sun Eye” exercises for improving eyesight.

Cindy is extremely dedicated and advised the listeners to go to her website at and look at her health tips.

All Together Now – 01.28.16

Eleanor LeCain talks about strengthening the middle class through shared prosperity with Jared Bernstein who was the Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President Joe Biden, executive director of the White House Task Force on the Middle Class, and a member of President Obama’s economic team, and is now a Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Fearless Parent Radio – HPV Vaccination Whistleblower – 01.27.16

Since the HPV vaccine was introduced to the public in 2006, it has been surrounded in controversy:

conspicuously fast tracked by the FDA;
speedily endorsed by the CDC;
rapidly introduced to be mandated by nearly every state in the US;
unusually challenged by some of the media and medical establishment, including the New England Journal of Medicine, the New York Times, and even one of its inventors;
hailed by Pharmaceutical Executive magazine as “brand of the year” for its innovative and breakthrough marketing savvy;
so aggressively promoted by Merck that Gardasil sales exploded, far eclipsing its flagship Measles, Mumps and Rubella II vaccine and bailing the company out of its staggering Vioxx litigation woes; and
so widely adopted that, today, approximately 60% of adolescent girls and 42% of adolescent boys have received the vaccine.
Time to add another bullet point to the above list…

On January 14, 2016, the activist blog SaneVax revealed the details of an open letter sent by Sin Hang Lee, MD to the World Health Organization claiming “manipulation of data and suppression of science in order to maintain the illusion of HPV vaccine safety in the face of valid contradictory evidence.”

Valerie Borek, Esq interviews SaneVax chief Norma Erickson about the stunning allegations:

Who is Dr. Lee and why/how is he in a position to make these statements?
What, exactly, did he say?
What are the policy implications of this announcement?
What has been the response of medical and government authorities?
Is the HPV vaccine safe? What should parents do?

A nutrition supplement is associated with lower death rate in patients, new study shows

Jan. 18, 2016 -Results from a new clinical trial show that a specialized oral nutrition supplement was associated with a 50 percent lower death rate in older malnourished patients with a heart or lung disease 90 days following hospitalization. The study, published online today in Clinical Nutrition and supported by Abbott, estimated that within this population one life could be …