Chris Hedges – The Great Unraveling

The ideological and physical hold of American imperial power, buttressed by the utopian ideology of neoliberalismand global capitalism, is unraveling. Most, including many of those at the heart of the American empire, recognize that every promise made by the proponents of neoliberalism is a lie. Global wealth, rather than being spread equitably, as neoliberal proponents promised, has been funneled upward into …

Nature Bats Last – 08.25.15

John Zerzan has been active in anarchist circles for some time and has done his weekly Anarchy Radio broadcasts for the past 15 years. Books are Elements of Refusal, Future Primitive, Running on Emptiness, Against Civilization, Twilight of the Machines, and Future Primitive Revisited. This fall his Why Hope? will appear. He’s spoken widely since 2001 from an anarcho-primitivist/green anarchy/civilization critique perspective.

Ronnie Cummins – Regeneration: Global Transformation in Catastrophic Times

Where profits alone count, there can be no thinking about the rhythms of nature, its phases of decay and regeneration, or the complexity of ecosystems which may be gravely upset by human intervention…. It is not enough to balance, in the medium term, the protection of nature with financial gain, or the preservation of the environment with progress. Halfway measures …

It’s All About Food – Jim Hicks & Colleen Holland – 08.18.15

Part I: J. Morris Hicks, 4Leaf Guide to Vibrant Health
J. Morris HicksJ. Morris Hicks is the author of Healthy Eating, Healthy
World and the creator of the 4Leaf concept. Shortly after learning all about the many alarming truths regarding our food choices in 2003, Jim realized that there needed to be a better way to explain healthy eating to the world. The “V” words, at best, convey more information about what you’re avoiding than what you ARE eating. He began developing the 4Leaf concept in 2009 and introduced it to the public in his 2001 book, co-authored with his son Jason.

Having concluded that our food choices hold the key to the sustainability of our civilization, he has made them his #1 priority- exploring all avenues for influencing humans everywhere to move back to the natural, plant-based diet for our species – in the interest of promoting health, hope and harmony on the planet Earth.

Part II: Colleen Holland, VegNews
ColleenHolland.VegNews2015Passionate about media, Colleen Holland is the publisher and co-founder of VegNews Magazine. Since the company’s founding in 2000, she has grown the vegan lifestyle brand into an award-winning, international media company complete with a flagship magazine, digital properties, events, e-cookbooks, and global vacations. A graduate of UCLA and the Natural Gourmet Institute culinary school, Colleen is one of just six people worldwide to have been inducted into both the Vegetarian Hall of Fame and the Animal Rights Hall of Fame. A 20-year ethical vegan, she is a die-hard foodie and yogi.

Paul Buchheit – Great Embarrassments of an Unequal Society

America has experienced “gush-up” rather than “trickle-down.” The shame is on the adherents of unregulated free-market capitalism, who have assaulted us with the message of “winner-take-all” wealth over the common good. George Will perpetuates the neoliberal myth by quoting one of his idols, John Tamny: “Income inequality in a capitalist system is truly beautiful…it provides the incentive for creative people to …

Scott Timberg – From The Secret to destructive management theories, unbridled optimism is just another way to ignore real issues

Depending on how you look at it, the mood in the United States of late has been either an overdue stock-taking — as we reckon with issues like racism, rape culture, runaway law enforcement and out-of-control income inequality — or relentlessly grim. Surely, unrelieved despair — either personally or more broadly, socially — can lead to paralysis. But despite a …

Economic Update – Capitalism’s Endless Costs – 07.26.15

Updates on Coke vs Pepsi war, price gouging on cancer drugs, Corwyn good for UK Labor Party, and new Pope’s strong anti-capitalist speeches. We respond to listeners’ questions on guaranteed basic income and on why public employees are not an economic negative. Major attention is given to supporting countries that refuse to pay certain govt debts and especially to Greece in a review of is dramatic recent struggles.

The End of Capitalism Has Begun – Paul Mason

The red flags and marching songs of Syriza [3] during the Greek crisis [4], plus the expectation that the banks would be nationalised, revived briefly a 20th-century dream: the forced destruction of the market from above. For much of the 20th century this was how the left conceived the first stage of an economy beyond capitalism. The force would be applied by the …

“Conscious Capitalism” Icon Whole Foods Exploits Prison Labor

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey, whose net worth exceeds $100 million, is a fervent proselytizer on behalf of “conscious capitalism.” A self-described libertarian, Mackey believes the solution to all of the world’s problems is letting corporations run amok, without regulation. He believes this so fervently, in fact, he wrote an entire book extolling the magnanimous virtue of the free market. …