A Just Cause – Importance of Re-entry from Prison to Society – 01.15.17

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks speaks with Our Special Guests for tonight’s show are Mommie Activist Karen Garrison, who’s twin sons were wrongfully convicted and Attorney Malcom Young, who heard about many accounts of returning prisoners who, despite doing everything required of them, were unable to find work.

Mike Lofgren – Did Trump Kill ‘Liberal Democracy’?

The election of Donald Trump has triggered as much wonderment abroad as it has in the United States. David Runciman, a professor of politics at the University of Cambridge, has written in the London Review of Books a provocative reflection on the nature of democracy in the age of Trump: “Is this how democracy ends?” There is much to praise …

CHAUNCEY DEVEGA – You have been warned: “Trump Derangement Syndrome” will be a cudgel used to silence his critics

Do you believe that Donald Trump is a threat to American democracy? Have you shared these concerns and anxieties with other people? Do you see disturbing connections between how fascism and authoritarianism took hold in other countries and what is occurring in the United States at present? If so, you may be suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome” — at least …

A Just Cause – Criminal Justice System Exploiting the Disease of Addiction in America – 01.08.17

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks speaks with our Special Guest for tonight’s show is Stephanie C. King, who has been involved with Addiction and Recovery for over 10 years. She is a certified Drug and Alcohol interventionist.

Trends This Week – How Trump has changed everything – 12.21.16

How Trump has changed everything
Global forecaster Gerald Celente – calling it as it is, not how he wants it to be – breaks down how Donald Trump’s election signals the end to politics as usual and why the economy could very well turn. He also covers the coming cashless world, reefer money madness and Obama’s exit from politics.

A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Danny K. Davis – 12.11.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Danny K. Davis, who has distinguished himself as an articulate voice for his constituents and as an effective legislator able to move major bills to passage. He has developed a unique and energetic style of communication and interaction with his constituents setting up dozens of advisory task forces to consider significant questions of public policy.

A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congresswoman Maxine Waters – 12.04.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who is considered by many to be one of the most powerful women in American politics today. She has gained a reputation as a fearless and outspoken advocate for women, children, people of color and the poor.

A Just Cause – Injustice of Homelessness on the Streets of America – 11.20.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks guests are Steve Berg, VP of Programs & Policy for the National Alliance to End Homelessness organization and Tristia Bauman, Senior Attorney for the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty legal group.

A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer – 08.21.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks Special Guests is U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, who is a forceful advocate for families, children, consumers, the environment and her State of California. She became a United States’ Senator in January 1993 after 10 years of service in the House of Representatives and six years on the Marin County Board of Supervisors.

Ralph Nader – Congress: AWOL and Out of Control

Taken as whole, with exceptions, the American people have the strangest attitude toward the Congress. Our national legislature spends nearly a quarter of our income and affects us one way or another every day of the year. Yet too many people withdraw in disgust instead of making Congress accountable to them. Warren Buffett once said, “It’s time for 535 of …