Study finds consistent link between violent crime and concealed-carry gun permits

The first study to find a significant relationship between firearm crime and subsequent applications for, and issuance of, concealed-carry gun permits has been published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence. The paper, “Firearm Violence and Effects on Concealed Gun Carrying: Large Debate and Small Effects,” found there is a consistent link between violent crime—especially crimes that involve guns—and an increase in the …

Consumers have huge environmental impact

The world’s workshop — China — surpassed the United States as the largest emitter of greenhouse gases on Earth in 2007. But if you consider that nearly all of the products that China produces, from iPhones to tee-shirts, are exported to the rest of the world, the picture looks very different. “If you look at China’s per capita consumption-based (environmental) …

JUSTIN GILLIS – Seas Are Rising at Fastest Rate in Last 28 Centuries

The worsening of tidal flooding in American coastal communities is largely a consequence of greenhouse gases from human activity, and the problem will grow far worse in coming decades, scientists reported Monday. Those emissions, primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, are causing the ocean to rise at the fastest rate since at least the founding of ancient Rome, the …

Carbon dioxide captured from air converted directly to methanol fuel for the first time

They’re making fuel from thin air at the USC Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute. For the first time, researchers there have directly converted carbon dioxide from the air into methanol at relatively low temperatures. The work, led by G.K. Surya Prakash and George Olah of the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, is part of a broader effort to …

Dr Gideon Polya – Revised Annual Per Capita Greenhouse Gas Pollution For All Countries – What Is Your Country Doing?

The Paris Climate Change Conference failed Humanity and has locked in a catastrophic temperature rise of about plus 2.7 degrees C. All ordinary folk can do is to boycott the worst polluters. World Bank analysts have revised annual greenhouse gas (GHG) pollutions  upwards by 50% to 64 billion tonnes CO2-e by properly accounting for land use for animal husbandry and …

John Michael Greer – Too Little, Too Late

Last week, after a great deal of debate, the passengers aboard theTitanic voted to impose modest limits sometime soon on the rate at which water is pouring into the doomed ship’s hull. Despite the torrents of self-congratulatory rhetoric currently flooding into the media from the White House and an assortment of groups on the domesticated end of the environmental movement, that’s …

Methane emissions in Arctic cold season higher than expected

The amount of methane gas escaping from the ground during the long cold period in the Arctic each year and entering Earth’s atmosphere is likely much higher than estimated by current climate change models, concludes a major new study led by San Diego State University. A team comprising ecologists Walter Oechel (SDSU and Open University) and Donatella Zona (SDSU and …

Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 12.21.15

ANTARCTIC ICE DRILLS: knowing whether rising carbon dioxide levels played a part, along with factors such as changes in Earth’s rotational tilt – would help scientists to better understand how ice sheets will behave as the world warms

Guest 1: Al Jazeera America’s Jake Ward

Inside Hitler’s Secret Nazi Bunkers (Exclusive)

Guest 2: Cary harrison takes you under Berlin’s current subway system into the 3rd Reich’s recently-discovered bunker systems.

Prof. James F. Tracy – Chemtrails. The Realities of Geoengineering and Weather Modification the past decade evidence has increasingly emerged indicating how geoengineering and weather modification programs designed to inflict major impacts on the atmosphere and environment are fully operational. Despite such developments the CO2-specific anthropogenic theory of global warming touted by foundation-funded environmental groups and public relations dominates much of popular discourse and the prevailing worldview of intellectuals. By drawing attention …

Greenpeace Sting Exposes Climate-Denying Academics-for-Hire

Professors from major U.S. institutions agreed to write reports promoting the benefits of CO2—and said they did not need to disclose fossil fuel funding As climate change deniers face growing scrutiny and skepticism, a new undercover investigation by the environmental group Greenpeace shines new light on academics-for-hire, who are willing to accept secret payments from fossil fuel companies to sow doubt …