Steve Wasserman – Reflections on the Death of Fidel

Nearly 60 years ago, Herbert Matthews of The New York Times interviewed a rebel-with-a-cause most people thought was dead. Matthews’ scoop in the tangled jungle of Cuba’s Sierra Maestra proved that the man was alive. His name (which in its entirety was but four syllables) would soon come to be known the world over. To his followers, the first two …

Bill Bigelow – Support Indigenous Rights: Abolish Columbus Day

The movement to abolish Columbus Day and to establish in its place Indigenous Peoples Day continues to gather strength, as every month new school districts and colleges take action. This campaign has been given new momentum as Indigenous peoples throughout the Americas assert their treaty and human rights. Especially notable is the inspiring struggle in North Dakota to stop the toxic Dakota Access …

Farming with forests

Feeding the world’s burgeoning population is a major challenge for agricultural scientists and agribusinesses, who are busy developing higher-yielding crop varieties. Yet University of Illinois researchers stress that we should not overlook sustainability in the frenzy to achieve production goals. More than a third of the global land area is currently in food production. This figure is likely to expand, …

The Gary Null Show – 09.29.16

Today On “The Gary Null Show” Gary opens up the show with the latest in health and healing while in the second half of the program he goes to some of the audio files. Gary covers the bad effects of eating shark has to the body, while telling you about the new DASH Diet. Mr Null also goes over the latest in corporate america and racial profiling. In the second half video section of the show Gary plays clips showing how Obama and Bill Clinton support Trump and more on the Clinton Foundation. Gary also goes to some commentaries from Chrishedges

Expat Files – 09.11.16

#1-Shipping and moving items to Latin America- PART 1: Shipping your items down can often be a confusing, testy, frustrating, expensive and scattershot endeavor… a big headache for Gringos with poor Spanish skills. Most seasoned Expats who’ve been through the shipping meat grinder often advise newbee Expats to forget about it… just sell everything up north and buy new or …

Economic Update – “Puerto Rico’s Crisis is Systemic” – 09.04.16

“US income inequality vs rest of world, Europe exposes Apple Corp’s tax evasion; TTP and TTIP face rising opposition; even Martin Wolf sees capitalism’s contradiction with democracy. Interview with Prof Ian Seda on Puerto Rico’s economic/colonial crisis.” Download this episode (right click and save)

Expat Files – 08.07.16

#1-Recent history indicates that Gringos of two particular professions are ahead of the curve when it comes to arranging their Latin American plan “B”. Can you the professions and why that seems to be the case? #2-Have Latin Americans also fallen onto the first-world political correctness trap? Latins love everything first-world and try to copy our good and bad habits, …

Expat Files – 08.05.16

#1- Spotting Latin American “Gringo wanabees”:
Seems as if every Latin American with a little dough eventually jumps on his own Latin version of the 1st world treadmill. The upper 5% are not looking to have more leisure time or even a calmer lifestyle. Just the opposite. Their quest is all about appearing to be more 1st world hip and affulent than their Latin friends and neighbors. The question is, who cares? While we Gringos and Expats snicker, it’s a serious business to them and other Latins playing the same dumb game.