The Gary Null Show – 05.19.17

CONVERSATIONS WITH REMARKABLE MINDS The Order-Disorder Paradox — the how the breakdown of our orderly institutions and beliefs are giving rise to something new, and a look at the narcissistic character of Trump and American society.  Dr. Nathan Schwartz-Salant is a psychoanalyst who has been clinical practice for five decades, specializing in the transformative views and theories of Carl Jung. …

Expanding Mind – Cocreating Spiritual Worlds – 05.18.17

Transpersonal psychologist Jorge Ferrer talks about participatory spirituality, the problems with perennialism, the transpersonal evidence of psychedelics, and his new book Participation and the Mystery: Transpersonal Essays in Psychology, Education, and Religion.  Download this episode (right click and save)

The Gary Null Show – 05.12.17

Facing grief and discovering gratitude as a means to become more progressive and spiritually active to confront climate change and our societal ills Francis Weller is a psychotherapist, writer and activist who employs a variety of methods for people to reclaim what the famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung called “unforgotten wisdom” that resides in the heart of everybody’s psyche. He is …

Carolanne Wright – Renowned Harvard Psychologist Says ADHD is Largely a Fraud

Viewed by academics as one of the most influential psychologists of the 20th century, Jerome Kagan ranked above Carl Jung (the founder of analytical psychology) and Ivan Pavlov (who discovered the Pavlovian reflex) in a 2002 American Psychological Association ranking of the eminent psychologists. He is well-known for his pioneering work in developmental psychology at Harvard University, where he has spent decades documenting how babies and small children …

Karlfried Graf Dürckheim – Daily Life as Spiritual Exercise

“There is a story that tells of Meister Eckhart’s meeting with a poor man: “You may be holy,” says Eckhart, “but what made you holy, brother?” And the answer comes: “My sitting still, my elevated thoughts, and my union with God.” It is useful for our present theme to note that the practice of sitting still is given pride of …

Energy Stew – Tanya Galperin Schneider – 11.20.15

Self discovery is an important path and finding many windows to it has always been a passion of mine and likely yours. My body has many mysteries to it and the more I can learn about it, the better I can understand myself and live better. It’s also an opportunity to help others know more about themselves.

Medical astrology can show you how your body has been born to perform and how it’s doing according to the movement of the planets.

Tanya Galperin Schneider brings special expertise to the subject as her medical and psychiatric background can more deeply understand what astrology is showing us.

She has written a new book, “Medical Astrology: Galactic Code and its Implications”.

Andre Vltchek – Ignorance And Indoctrination Of Westerners Kills Millions

Our Planet Earth is heading straight towards the most dangerous collision in its history. It is not a collision with some foreign body, with an asteroid or a comet, but with the most brutal and selfish chunk of its own inhabitants: with people who proudly call themselves “members of the Western civilization.” Again and again it is clearly demonstrated that …

Nature Bats Last – 11.03.15

Mike and Guy speak with guest Jeriah Bowser. Jeriah has spent the past decade in his career as a wilderness therapy guide and outdoor educator, as facilitating rewilding experiences for other humans has proven to be deeply meaningful and healing for his own journey. While he shies away from labels, Jeriah is strongly influenced by anti-civilization anarchism, primitivism, deep ecology, neoluddism, animal and earth liberation, anti-modernism, ecopsychology, Jungian depth psychology, radical therapy/antipsychiatry, logotherapy, animism, taoism, and wildism.

Also we discuss the National Geographic Explorer show with Guy and Bill Nye.

Here is a link to the broadcast.