Janet Allon – Latest Poll: Sanders Handily Trounces All Top Republicans—Yeah, Including Trump

Nothing seems to touch Donald Trump, it seems, whose lead in the Republican race for president has stayed solid and even grown as Ben Carson fades. Nothing except possibly the “Bern” man. According to a new Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday [3], both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton handily beat any top Republican candidates. Here are Sanders’ latest numbers: Topping Trump …

Larry Schwartz – 5 Outrageously Expensive and Useless Defense Projects You and I Are Paying for

Republican candidates for president have all sang out in less-than-beautiful harmony about cutting taxes for the very rich and miraculously balancing the budget at the same time. They have also sworn they will increase military spending. Many of them are urging a full-scale war on ISIS and Donald Trump is even ready to commit war crimes in order to defeat them. …

Henry A. Giroux – Fascism in Donald Trump’s United States

Donald Trump’s blatant appeal to fascist ideology and policy considerations took a more barefaced and dangerous turn this week when he released a statement calling for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” Trump qualified this racist appeal to voters’ fears about Muslims by stating that such a ban is necessary “until our country’s representatives can …

Chris Hedges – The Age of the Demagogues

The increase in nihilistic violence such as school shootings andFriday’s lethal assault on a Planned Parenthood clinic, the frequent executions of poor people of color by police, and the rise of thuggish demagogues such as Donald Trump are symptoms of the collapse of our political and cultural institutions. These institutions, which once made possible piecemeal and incremental reform, which sought to …

Glen Ford – Israelis – Not Muslims – Cheered in Jersey City on 9/11

“By making only a partial correction of Donald Trump’s prevarication, the corporate media were telling their own lie about what happened on 9/11.” The corporate media don’t like Donald Trump. They used to like him a lot; in fact, Big Business Media are responsible for making this minor multi-millionaire into a household name. But Trump is on their hit list, …

Tyler Durden – US Congresswoman Introduces Bill To Stop “Illegal” War On Assad; Says CIA Ops Must Stop

Last month, US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard went on CNN and laid bare Washington’s Syria strategy. In a remarkably candid interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gabbard calls Washington’s effort to oust Assad “counterproductive” and “illegal” before taking it a step further and accusing the CIA of arming the very same terrorists who The White House insists are “sworn enemies.”  In short, Gabbard …

Matt Taibbi – The GOP Clown Car Rolls On

ot one of them can win, but one must. That’s the paradox of the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, fast becoming the signature event in the history of black comedy. Conventional wisdom says that with the primaries and caucuses rapidly approaching, front-running nuts Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson must soon give way to the “real” candidates. But …

Energy Stew – Robert L. Weber and Carol Orsborn – 11.13.15

Robert L. Weber and Carol Orsborn are two aging experts who came together to write “The Spirituality of Age, A Seeker’s Guide to Growing Older”.

As long as we’re here, we might as well fulfill all that we can. There are so many opportunities to enhance our aging process and this book really understands them along with the limitations that age can create.

Tune in to this interview with both authors and you’ll see how you can manifest more of the richness of your years.

Ask Beatty – 11.09.15

How honest are we with ourselves and with others? How important to you is truth and honesty? How do we learn to trust others if they betray us? Does it concern you that Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and others are blatantly lying to us about parts of their history? Or do we care that Bernie Sanders doesn’t kiss babies? Beatty asks you to consider these important questions, which invariably affect all of our relationships.