Gerard Powell is the personification of the American success story who realized, as do many people in his position, that money does not necessarily buy happiness. Instead, he opted to try anything available to hide from himself and his “perfect” life. Most of his existence he suffered from addiction and depression, incessantly trying to fill the hole deep within with …
The Torch – 03.05.17
Tom Devine is the legal director of the Government Accountability
Project which protects whistleblowers from retaliation. Mr. Devine has
defended whistleblower protection laws before congress and the courts.
Does Having Meaning In Your Life Keep You Healthy?
It helps prevent heart attack and stroke, staves off dementia, enables people to sleep better, have better sex and live longer. Oh, and it’s free. SOMETHING to live for. This simple idea is at the heart of our greatest stories, driving our heroes on. It is the thread from which more complex philosophies are woven. As Nietzsche once wrote, “He …
Steven Jonas – The Repubs.’ New – Old – ‘New-Trumpian’ Base: The Religious Right, Part 1
Special to The Greanville Post |Commentary No. 72: “The Repubs.’ New – Old – ‘New-Trumpian’ Base: The Religious Right, Part 1” Dateline: January 5, 2017 In the 1980 Repub. primaries, Ronald Reagan won a convincing victory over George H.W. Bush. Reagan was considered a “new” Republican, in the Barry Goldwater mold, while George Herbert Walker Bush was considered an …
Sharna Oldman, Ph.D. – The Science and Pseudoscience of Children’s Mental Health
Over the past two decades, there has been a meteoric rise in the number of children – now estimated to be 1 in 6 – diagnosed and treated for a range of psychological disturbances including ADHD, autism, mood disorders, and learning disabilities. Explanations in the popular media tend to polarize around two viewpoints: 1) Childhood mental illnesses are caused by …
Lambert Strether – “The Narrative,” Neoliberalism, and Identity Politics
I should start by saying that the headline isn’t exactly clickbait, because who writes clickbait on Boxing Day anyhow, but it does oversell what I’m about to write, which is not a Grand Unified Theory mutually contextualizing all three topics — perhaps another time — but a consideration of each topic, in linear order. That is, first I’ll consider “The …
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – Can Inequality Drive Systemic Change? – 01.06.16
After finally realizing that our economic system is designed to keep us away from the fruits of our labors, citizens will hopefully rise up and start working to manifest the sort of sustainable changes that are truly possible if we work together. Ellen speaks with noted author and co-Founder of the Labor Institute, Les Leopold, about how the market mechanics of inequality have succeeded over the past 40 years and what we can do collectively to bring about real change. She also discusses her latest article about the looming crisis that could be triggered by the new practice of bailing-in depositor money to save failing banks. And Matt Stannard delivers some words about money from the mouths of historical figures.
The Gary Null Show – 12.31.15
Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary also plays some videos that will make you think a little more about what is happening in this world. Gary also pitches a great 5 DVD package for the listeners.
Infectious Myth – End of Year Thoughts – 12.29.15
In Episode 83 David closes out 2015 on a positive note, talking about heroism and kindness, continuing on the subjects of vaccination, medical corruption, and the environment, and ending with discussions of terrorism, eavesdropping and justice (or injustice).
Links to articles used in this episode can be found at:
Marc Ash – Eight More Years of Plutocracy
he spoke first and she spoke last, she occupied center-stage throughout the entire ABC Debate Production Show. She was scripted as the star of the show by its producers. She also showed a breathtaking lack of understanding on all key issues. Hillary Clinton spoke often and forcefully on the subject of ISIS and the Iraqi-Syrian Frontier region. She was as …
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