Phillip Schneider – New Studies Give More Proof Organic Foods Far Superior For Health And Wellness

To a world raised on conventional foods and thinking, scientists and consumers alike have been touting the nutritional value and overall healthfulness of organics. And as a new study reveals more insight into the value of organics, those who before avoided the truth are once again forced to as the question: Is organic food really inherently healthier than conventionally grown? Yes. Here’s how. Higher Omega-3’s …

Brian Barth – The Bad News About the Organic Industry

By all appearances, Kathy Evans would seem the ideal organic farmer. The fourth-generation proprietor of Evans Knob Farm, in Bruceton Mills, West Virginia, she has never used chemical pesticides or growth hormones. Her poultry—45 laying hens, 250 broiler chickens, 50 turkeys, and 22 ducks—is free-range; her Romney and Hampshire sheep, grass-fed. Evans also shears, cards, spins, and dyes fiber produced by those sheep, as well as that from her alpaca and llama. (She …

James McWilliams – When Big Ag Gobbles Up Small Ag Is There Any Hope for Real Reform? Sadly No

Perdue, the fourth-largest chicken company in the United States, is a giant among giants in the agribusiness world. Recently, it purchased Natural Food Holdings, which owns Niman Ranch, a niche meat producer known for its comparatively impressive welfare and sustainability standards. News of Niman’s acquisition was generally greeted with the big media equivalent of a shrug, but I think it …

Pope Francis and Saving the Planet One Meal at a Time

Pope Francis and Saving the Planet One Meal at a Time Gary Null & Richard Gale Progressive Radio Network, July 1, 2015   Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si, speaks not only on behalf of ardent environmental and social activists but also for the protectors of animal rights and opponents of the horrendous conditions farm animals face before being slaughtered to …