Progressive Radio Network

Cell (biology)

Dr. Joel Wallach learned about the importance of good nutrition while a veterinarian. He applied this knowledge to humans and now runs a company that…
A junk food diet is clearly not healthy. Burgers widen our waistlines, raise our cholesterol levels and tighten our arteries. But scientists now think that…
We used to think that our fate was in the stars. Now we know in large measure, our fate is in our genes. When the…
Increased meat in ancient hominin diets, beginning about 3 million years ago, meant that guts (large and small intestines) could become shorter because they could…
Here's one more benefit of exercise: mice who spent their free time on a running wheel were better able to shrink tumors (a 50% reduction…
A natural extract derived from India's neem tree could potentially be used to treat pancreatic cancer, according to a new study in the journal Scientific Reports. Biomedical scientists…
This week on LOA Today Joel and Walt talk about the Law of Attraction inevery day activities, starting off with two stories about how our…
What the heck are you talking about? That's the common reaction the first time someone hears about the Law of Attraction. This week, we answer…
Scientists have discovered a compound – found in interstellar dust – that also acts to generate the spark of life in every living cell in…
This week on LOA Today, Joel tells us a story of a young orphan he met last month who has lived a life of horror.…
Dr. Haché is a graduate from the Quebec Institute of Naturopathy and completed his studies in Homeopathy. John graduated from Quebec’s leading school of Herbology…
Robert L. Weber and Carol Orsborn are two aging experts who came together to write "The Spirituality of Age, A Seeker's Guide to Growing Older".…