Ugo Barti – The climate emergency: time to switch to panic mode?

The latest temperature data have broken all records (image from “think progress“). At best, this is an especially large oscillation and the climate system will be soon back on track; following the predictions of the models – maybe to be retouched to take into account faster climbing temperatures. A worst, it is an indication that the system is going out …

It’s Official: This Winter Was America’s Warmest on Record

This winter was the warmest on the record for the continental U.S., new data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows, as average temperatures climbed nearly 5 F above normal. How temperatures compared to long-term averages across the contiguous U.S. during the winter of 2015-2016. Photo credit: NOAA Every state in the lower 48 saw temperatures at least 1.7 F above average. New England …

Sea level rise threatens larger number of people than earlier estimated

More people live close to sea coast than earlier estimated, assess researchers in a new study. These people are the most vulnerable to the rise of the sea level as well as to the increased number of floods and intensified storms. By using recent increased resolution datasets, Aalto University researchers estimate that 1.9 billion inhabitants, or 28% of the world’s …

Clean energy could save hundreds of billions in health costs every year

In Paris late last year, the countries of the world pledged to reduce emissions to keep global warming “well below a 2 degree Celsius” rise in global average temperatures compared with preindustrial levels. As an advanced economy, the U.S. is expected to lead in making the required emissions reductions, which would be roughly 80 percent by midcentury compared with 2005. …

For Russian Farmers, Climate Change Is Nyet So Great

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says last month was the warmest January on record. That sets off alarm bells for climate scientists, but for the average person living in a northern climate, it might not sound so bad. That’s what many people are saying these days in Russia, where the expected icy winter has failed to materialize this year …

Chris Mooney – Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now

New data from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggest that January of 2016 was, for the globe, a truly extraordinary month. Coming off the hottest year ever recorded (2015), January saw the greatest departure from average of any month on record, according to data provided by NASA. [January was the ninth straight month of record breaking global warmth] But as …

Portending a Very Hot 2016, January Eviscerates Global Temperature Record

Last month was the hottest January the planet has experienced since record-keeping began nearly 140 years ago,  new data released by NASA on Tuesday confirmed—and not by just a little. January’s global average surface temperature during was 1.13º Celsius (or 2.3º Fahrenheit) above historical averages, according to the data. Making the single-month record even more troubling, as Andrew Freedman notes at Mashable, is …

From Hottest Place on Earth in Australia to LA and Ontario’s Winter Heat Waves, 2016 Already on Track to Be Hottest Year Ever Recorded

Perth, Australia  Australia, which lies in the southern hemisphere, is technically on its last month of summer but the blazing-hot temps in the city of Perth signal otherwise. In fact, the Western Australian capital “may well be the hottest place on earth right now,” reported today with temperatures shooting past 45 degrees Celsius, or 113 degrees Fahrenheit. The city has now seen …

A combined carbon and sugar tax could have environmental and health benefits

A combination of a carbon tax on food and a tax on sugary drinks in the UK could lead to health benefits, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and raise up to GB£3.6 billion revenue, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Public Health. Lead researcher, Adam Briggs from the University of Oxford, said: “Agriculture is responsible for up to …

Lizzie Wade – Climate Change Means One World’s Death and Another’s Birth

A few years ago in a lab in Panama, Klaus Winter tried to conjure the future. A plant physiologist at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, he planted seedlings of 10 tropical tree species in small, geodesic greenhouses. Some he allowed to grow in the kind of environment they were used to out in the forest, around 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Others, …