The world is now halfway towards the internationally-agreed safety limit of a maximum 2°C rise in global average temperatures, researchers say. That limit seeks to prevent the global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels exceeding 2°C above the pre-industrial global temperature. The UN’s Paris climate summit later this year aims to ensure that it is not breached. It …
Project Censored – 07.28.15
Peter Phillips and Project Censored affiliate professor Julie Andrzejewski as co-host address the Global Environmental Crisis. They interview emeritus professor of Religion and Philosophy Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding his new book Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis?  Additionally, they talk with Truth Out investigative reporter Dahr Jamail regarding his newest article: Mass Extinction: It’s the End of the World as …
World’s Oceans Could Rise Higher, Sooner, Faster Than Most Thought Possible – Jon Queally
If a new scientific paper is proven accurate, the international target of limiting global temperatures to a 2°C rise this century will not be nearly enough to prevent catastrophic melting of ice sheets that would raise sea levels much higher and much faster than previously thought possible. “Parts of [our coastal cities] would still be sticking above the water, but …
Global sea levels have risen six meters or more with just slight global warming
A new review analyzing three decades of research on the historic effects of melting polar ice sheets found that global sea levels have risen at least six meters, or about 20 feet, above present levels on multiple occasions over the past three million years. What is most concerning, scientists say, is that amount of melting was caused by an increase …
G7 Leaders Fiddle While Earth Burns by PETE DOLACK
The G7 governments saying they will phase out fossil fuels by 2100 isn’t closing the barn door after the horse has left. It is declaring an intention to consider closing the barn door after waiting for the horse to disappear over the horizon. It is okay to be feel underwhelmed by this. The Group of 7 summit held earlier this …
Countries must deal with health risks of more frequent heatwaves: UN By Agnes PEDRERO
The UN urged countries Wednesday to create preparedness systems to counter the health risks of heatwaves, as they become ever more frequent and intense, and dangerous, due to climate change. For the first time, the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) and its World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have joined forces to create guidelines for experts and authorities for how to lower …
Renewable energy redoubles its global reach By Alex Kirby
As the world economy and energy use both grew in 2014, renewables continued their rapid rise− but carbon emissions did not. LONDON, 27 June, 2015 − A significant threshold has been crossed by renewable energy as analysts report that the sectorʼs size last year reached double the level it was at just 10 years earlier. This expansion happened in a year when the global economy and energy …
Death Toll Soars in ‘Unbelievable’ Pakistan Heat Wave – Nadia Prupis
A deadly heat wave spreading through southern Pakistan has killed nearly 800 people in just a few days—a number that threatens to rise as temperatures remain unusually high this week. At least 740 people have died of dehydration, heat stroke, and other heat-related illnesses in Karachi, the country’s largest city, since Saturday, with various sources estimating the death toll to …
IEA warns of 4.3C temperature jump from climate change
The International Energy Agency on Monday warned temperatures could jump by as much as 4.3 degrees Celsius by the end of the century and urged countries to improve their pledges on reducing emissions. In a report ahead of a climate change conference in Paris this year, the IEA said more should be done to reach the goal of keeping the …
In Fight Against Global Warming, the World is Way Off Target – Deirdre Fulton
In what is being called the most definitive assessment yet of national emissions pledges aimed at meeting global climate goals, the International Energy Agency on Monday released a major report showing that without “learning to live within its means,” the world is set to miss a critical target. In its World Energy Outlook Special Report 2015: Energy and Climate Change (pdf), the Paris-based agency states that …